file photo Scott Garrett in Ridgewood
Garrett said he was looking forward to what his office characterized as his first official town hall.
“There is nothing more important to me, as the representative of New Jersey’s 5th District, than hearing from my constituents. I look forward to having a thoughtful discussion about the issues affecting our state and our country on Thursday night,” Garrett said in a statement.
Posted: May 05, 2015 10:44 PM EDTUpdated: May 06, 2015 8:05 AM EDT
Scott Garrett
U.S. Rep. Scott Garrett, R-5th Dist., will answer questions on Thursday at what is believed to be his first town hall since taking office in 2003.
Garrett, a Wantage resident, will make an opening statement and take questions from the audience.
The town hall will be held at the banquet hall at Lafayette House Restaurant, in Lafayette, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
The New Jersey Herald, in an editorial board meeting with Garrett last fall, asked if he would be willing to hold a town hall meeting.
“Congressman Garrett said if we would come up with a venue and an agreed-upon date, he would be there,” Herald Executive Editor Bruce Tomlinson said. “We accepted the challenge and after some exchanges got it scheduled.”
Tomlinson said this event is an extension of the Herald’s role of providing information to its audience.
“We are happy to be able to facilitate this first-ever town hall meeting for constituents from the 5th District to ask questions directly to their congressman and hope they take advantage of it,” Tomlinson said. “We also trust that after this inaugural outing, he will continue to schedule more such events on his own.”
Email questions
Those who are unable to attend the event but wish to submit questions for Garrett can do by emailing them to the New Jersey Herald by noon Thursday atnewsroom@njherald.com. Submissions should include “town hall meeting” on the subject line and also include the person’s name and town. Tomlinson said submitted questions will be worked in as time allows.