>State average cost for regular falls under $2 for first time since ’05
https://www.dailyrecord.com/article/20081120/COMMUNITIES/811200335&referrer=FRONTPAGECARO– USEL
TRENTON (AP) — Gasoline prices in New Jersey continue to drop as Garden State residents prepare to hit the roads for the holiday.
AAA-Mid-Atlantic says the average price for regular is $1.97 a gallon.
A year ago it was $2.92.
It’s the first time since Dec. 5, 2005 that the average price was under $2 a gallon. The last time the price was $1.97 was March 29, 2005.
The auto club says average prices were even lower in Burlington, Camden and Gloucester counties at $1.89 a gallon.
Average prices remain higher in Bergen and Passaic counties.
AAA says gasoline prices in 22 states are now under the $2 average.
https://www.dailyrecord.com/article/20081120/COMMUNITIES/811200335&referrer=FRONTPAGECARO– USEL