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Glen Rock Mayor Comments of Glen Rock’s Santa Gate


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, Glen Rock Mayor Bruce Packer comments of Glen Rock’s Santa Gate :

“I would like to address the latest Santa-gate.
First, a quick observation of a small group of residents whose voices are increasingly loud on social media not only in Glen Rock but on local social media pages around the country. The reason why ‘hot button’ issues become ‘hot button’ issues is that there MULTIPLE passionate points of view. This small group posts on social media as if their’s is the ONLY point of view. It is not.

Governing bodies have the difficult task of trying to best balance all points of view. With respect to a recent request by a local group to have Santa here are the FACTS.

The Borough has respected the requests of many residents in past years to NOT have religious symbols at events at Borough Hall. I floated the idea of changing this in 2016 but, after many meetings with the Religious Communities of GR, we were presented with the following resolution from that group and signed by all members of the group, which includes clergy from all of our houses of worship.

“The Religious Communities of Glen Rock (group) believes no religious symbols should be displayed on borough property.
Residents who want to explore other religious traditions and celebrations are welcome in all of our communities.”

At the time, the 2016 council voted to respect their wishes and this has largely been the policy ever since. Most of the holiday celebrations over the past few years have been off of Borough property so this has not been challenged until now.

Toward the end of the council worksession last week, the Administrator asked the council about having Santa at Borough Hall as part of a local event. The council was only hearing about this request for the first time as they are not privy to the day to day event planning or requests that are happening from day to day at Borough Hall and this item had not been put on the agenda. The decision was made to follow last year’s celebration, which seemed to be very successful, and have Santa with the tree at Kilroy’s.

This decision having been made, we immediately received a few emails pointing out that this was somewhat hypocritical as the Borough currently allows Santa to drive through town on a firetruck, we allow a local group to sell Xmas trees on Borough property, we have a Diwali celebration, and we allow an Easter Egg hunt at the Arboretum. I agreed with these emails and while a Borough council cannot make any decisions between meetings, it is not illegal for the Borough Clerk to poll council members individually to see if they are willing to have a reversal of this decision on the next worksession agenda. That is where we are.

I would ask all residents to respect the fact that your very strong view on any issue might be matched in passion by a neighbor with a different view. Posts that represent one view as the ONLY view are insulting to your neighbors who may feel differently. These are the seeds of division.
The governing body is an easy target but realize that every post that shows disrespect for the initial decision is disregarding the views of our clergy and the other wonderful members of the Religious Communities of Glen Rock, as well as many residents who agree with their stance.”

One thought on “Glen Rock Mayor Comments of Glen Rock’s Santa Gate

  1. So basically Glen Rock is a theocracy, strictly following the religion of Atheism.

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