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Glen School Pickleball Court “sound proofing” will be an Exercise in Futility

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood NJ, the word is the new “sound proofing” for the Glen School pickleball courts will do nothing to stem the noise from those courts . At a cost of $24,000 the company could not guarantee the noise dampening effectiveness.

Sound waves are not flat but explode outwards so unless the Village is willing to build a roof over the courts the “sound proofing” will be an exercise in futility . Some of the Village Council members are looking for more information from the manufacturer ,while one is claiming that it’s only $24,000 , let’s just do it , after all it’s only taxpayer money . Interesting attitude for a council member during a budget  season featuring some belt tightening .

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4 thoughts on “Glen School Pickleball Court “sound proofing” will be an Exercise in Futility

  1. It’s not the Glen School pickleball courts. It’s the tennis courts on Glen Ave at Monroe St

  2. Why we having so many problems regarding pickle ball

  3. Speaking of pickle ball , Whatever happened to the situation regarding pickle ball on the W. Saddle River Rd. situation. Or are they try ing to sweep that up to the carpet.

  4. So embarrassing,

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