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Governor Murphy Hands Down Newest Round of Job-Killing Regulations on Struggling Restaurants 

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Murphy Administration has declared that restaurants and other establishments with outdoor tents must apply for a Uniform Construction Codes permit by Monday.

Restaurants have been one of the hardest hit industries during the COVID pandemic. Governor Murphy is constantly changing requirements for the industry, including mandating 25% capacity for indoor dining.

“It is unconscionable that Governor Murphy continues to hand out new rounds of job-killing regulations on struggling industries,” said NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt. “This is the least business friendly Governor in the history of New Jersey. When the COVID pandemic clears, the affordability crisis will be worse than ever thanks to Murphy’s weak leadership and selfish priorities. We must vote him out in 2021

3 thoughts on “Governor Murphy Hands Down Newest Round of Job-Killing Regulations on Struggling Restaurants 

  1. Good morning , I would just like yo say that I am running as a Independent for Governor NJ 2021. I stand to represent the Working Class. Common Sense is what is so desperately needed. I have a FB group MAUEL4GOV & a website MAUEL4GOV.COM.

  2. He never really had a job where hard HONEST work was involved. Look at his former company, Goldman Sachs, they just paid billions in securities fraud penalties. Guess what, they can pay it and still be in business! Makes you think how they can make that much. Bunch of old dishonest whites guys selling worthless bonds to unsuspecting clients. He looks down on restaurant workers. At least they know hard work and integrity. Something big choppers Murphy will Never know.

  3. All this idiot is doing is Crushing our economy ! Lets see no more then 10 people inside your house, no more then 25 outside which he said he is going to lower next week! Has he been to any Mall , Big box store or Super Markets lately? Those are our super spreaders now. He’s a incompedent idiot.

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