The State Emergency Operations Center will be activated as of 12:00PM Saturday, January 19, 2019, as well.
What is a State of Emergency?
New Jersey State law allows the Governor and County and Local Emergency Management Coordinators to declare a State of Emergency during significant weather events and natural disasters. The emergency declaration is a tool used by the government officials who are managing the emergency. It allows State agencies to quickly respond to needs of citizens, reassign personnel, and deploy vehicles, trucks, and equipment to respond to the incident. A State of Emergency allows the government to act more quickly than it can during non-emergency times.
What does this mean to you? When a State of Emergency is issued, State and/or local Emergency Management officials will communicate with New Jersey’s citizens through traditional media outlets such as television, radio and newspapers, and through other information channels, such as the Internet, social media or the Emergency Alert System. Citizens should pay close attention to news reports when a State of Emergency is announced.
At times, travel restrictions are part of a State of Emergency. This is typically done to allow snowplows to clear the roads. At other times government offices may be closed, or evacuations may be recommended. A State of Emergency permits government officials to recommend specific actions that citizens should take to insure the safety of their families and homes during the emergency. Each emergency is different, and different factors will impact the decisions made by State officials in response to the incident.
Large and small private businesses should make informed decisions about early closures, delayed openings, cancellations and closures based on current and impending weather conditions, emergency plans and policies of your organization, designation of essential employees, and restrictions on travel. If travel restrictions are put into place, it will limit whether or not employees can travel to your work site.
✅Don’t be caught off guard by winter weather! Learn how to prepare your family for winter emergencies by visiting https://ready.nj.gov/plan-prepare/winter.shtml today!
?Stay tuned to your local weather. For those living in Central and Southern New Jersey visit US National Weather Service Philadelphia/Mount Holly https://www.weather.gov/phi/. For those living in Northern New Jersey and the New York Metro area visit US National Weather Service New York NY https://www.weather.gov/okx/.
?Stay informed by following us!
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State of New Jersey
New Jersey State Police
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
NJ Department of Human Services
New Jersey Department of Health
New Jersey Department of Transportation
Unfortunately I will not be able to hear important update.
The shitty unreliable optimum phone and Internet service is out again this am but th tv works
It was out last night as well.
Five times a week ago.
I never had this problem when the dolans owned cavblevison.
Please advice if Verizon fios is any more reliable before I switch
Affected area between heights and Monroe
Sent from my phone
And for those of you affected by this poor shit “service”. Try calling the optimim
Retention dept when they open up at 9am. If enough consumers call demanding refunds maybe they will fix the half assed services. A phone call will net you a monthly price reduction for the year….but it really doesnt matter if the phone doesnt work even if it’s free
I need my MTV ! Now ‘ remember that . Love it.
’nuff said.