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Graydon Parking lot with Shuttle Service a Simple Alternative to massive Garage Building

January 17,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Russ Forenza suggestion at the January 6th meeting to use the Graydon Parking lot , Graydon Pool parking is a tremendous asset that is never used , shuttle buses , would be a simple easy solution . The idea would be to push all the employee parking into the Graydon lot .Yes we know it was tried before and true it failed .But now parking rates are significantly higher and we could allow employees and business owners to park either for Free or at a greatly reduced rate and shoppers could also park there at a reduced rate . Shuttle service would have to run continuously during the day at regular short intervals .
It has been reported on this blog many times over the past 6 years , that often the parking spaces are already full on streets like Oak Street by 8 am in the morning when no businesses are even opened . The  Graydon parking along with a shuttle service would siphon off  many full time employees , encourage them to spend money in town and be far more ecologically friendly than circling the village in cars looking for parking . Non compliant business could be fined ,both the employee for parking in the wrong place  and the business owner .
Perhaps the Graydon lot could be used seasonally like shopping centers that don’t allow employee parking during seasonally peak periods . Garden State Plaza  for instance bars employees from parking in certain areas during the Christmas rush.
Another idea is to also add more bicycle racks in the central business district so the down town would be more bike friendly . Parker’s at Graydon could bike back and forth during warmer weather if they desired and the shuttle should be made “bike friendly”.

8 thoughts on “Graydon Parking lot with Shuttle Service a Simple Alternative to massive Garage Building

  1. What happens in the summer when the pool is in use? In the winter if we have a lot of snow the lot is used as a dumping ground.

  2. The immediate zero cost solution to the parking problem is to get owner/employee parking out of the CBD.
    Assume there are 100 stores (low assumption) in th CBD.
    Assume at least one owner/employee (low assumption) repeat parks in the CBD.
    If you stop that you could potentially free up 100 spots, right where you need them, at no cost.
    Increase the penalty for repeat parking to $50.00
    Hire a parking enforcement officer strictly for repeat parking, paid for with $50.00 tickets.

  3. July august Family Vacation Time so restaurant and Vor business needs kess even on peak friday saturdays. They get valet into private lots at least for Half of that OUT OF TOWNER Volume we should try this rather than build out a garage few want its terrible community taxpayer Impacts

  4. In the summer they park at a school. The goal should be for employees to park and be bused. Would be win win. They no longer have to feed the meter and parking frees up in front of stores. I do not see shoppers willing to be bused but employees absolutely.

  5. Users will need a water tight ship to get out of there.

  6. I’m against the huge garage, but I don’t think this is a solution. I like 2 small garages – one small structure on Hudson St. that can accommodate commuters and some shoppers and another behind Bookends primarily for shoppers. Let’s see if our Council majority can get approval from their developer friends for this idea.

  7. Park at gw or rhs in the summer

  8. Huh? What if I don’t want to take a bus?

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