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Holiday Season Gets Off to a Fast Start with Ridgewood Guild’s Winterfest 2016

Ridgewood Guild's Winterfest 2016

Photos by Mayor Susan Traina Knudsen

November 27,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Yesterday was the Ridgewood Guild’s Winterfest 2016 and shop locally small business Saturday to celebrate the season in Van Neste Square.

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One thought on “Holiday Season Gets Off to a Fast Start with Ridgewood Guild’s Winterfest 2016

  1. I attended this event and it was very poorly executed.

    The people who were staffing the Mango Jam table (no freebies; items for sale only) never looked up from their respective smart phones to greet customers or to explain what the items were that they were attempting to hawk. It the staff at Tony Damiano’s store is anything like the people who he had manning his table, I can understand why his business sucks.

    The last people to participate in the horse & wagon ride were driven to a parking lot 2 blocks away and dropped off, left to walk back to East Ridgewood Avenue on their own. No announcement was made that this was going to happen.

    They ran out of free hot chocolate within the first 45 minutes of the event.

    Not a lot going on; all show and no go I say.

    Must say however, the person who was playing Santa was excellent!

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