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>How did this all come to pass? A History Lesson

>Hi PJ,

My name is Richard . I grew up in Ridgewood, moved away, went to Georgetwon and Columbia B-School, found myself a wife and moved her back to Ridgewood with me in 2005.

Between your blog and other sources I have learned what a mess the BOE and the math curriculum are and I have just one question that I hope you can help me with: How did this all come to pass? I came back to Ridgewood late in the game and things had already been moving.

Where is the acting superintendent?
Why did the new guy who was hired disappear?
How did the elementary schools end up with 3 different math curricula?
Why did the BOE feel the need to change the old (traditional?) math system?

I guess, just like at my company, when people barge in my office with a problem I find it easier to make our way back to the light when I know how we got into the mess to start with.

If you don’t know all these answers maybe you can point me to someone else who may.
I trust your judgement based on all I have read on your blog and I appreciate that you keep the thing up at all!

Here’s my own contact info as well

Best regards PJ,


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