November 21,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, The iconic Sycamore tree at Graydon Park is now scheduled for removal during the first week of December. Crews from the Village’s Shade Tree Division will be removing the tree at that time unless a certified arborist, yet to be hired, determines that the tree is healthy and should remain standing. The tree had originally been scheduled to be removed during the month of November, but scheduling delays pushed the date back.
Does the shade tree comisssson have their own crews?
What is this Village Council doing?
I can’t stand this VC. All I see is a bunch of mediocre people pretending to be governing. Village Manager is worse, she is nowhere to be seen.
the previous Aronsohn admin destroyed the Village , hard to recover
the previous Village Manager Gabbert destroyed the Village , hard to recover
There, I fixed that for you James, you can thank me when you see me.
Bruce –
The current council is amazing, with one exception. The BAD SEED is toxic, but luckily we only have 2.5 more years until Jumpin Jeff is gone.
The tree needs to come down if it is diseased. In this lawsuit-crazed town, a twig falling on someone’s child would inspire massive litigation.
The arborist will tell us what we need to know.
James, we can’t keep blaming the previous regime. People are complaining about day to day issues that are basics for management like street maintenance, lighting, parking etc. What do these issues have to do with the previous regime? I see Ramon Hache taking the train late in the evening to get home and I keep asking myself “how much energy has this guy left to deal with my issues after he gets home to his family and kids”? I may be wrong but this VC doesn’t seem 100% dedicated to their job and are just going through the motions. Roberta at least tried to show off through daily emails while the current manager is in some other universe.
Bruce you give away your agenda when you claim anything good about roberta
Maybe that’s the way things are going, towards deterioration of our town’s quality. Many have predicted this. I am seeing things I never saw before. I had never seen before piles of dog poop on sidewalks and I saw it this morning. It reminded me of my daily struggle through NYC sidewalks which are full of poop marks. People moving in from the city will bring their problems with them. A place’s quality is defined by people who live there.
Oh no you don’t, Ridgewood!! That beautiful tree is historic!!! It also holds precious memories of generations of children & parents.
Save our beloved Tree! ?❤
Oh no you don’t, Ridgewood!! That beautiful tree is historic!!! It also holds precious memories of generations of children & parents.
Save our beloved Tree! ?❤
James, you give away your agenda when you claim anything good about Gabbert.
James, are you serious? I have no agenda my friend. I speak my mind. I do not give a sh..t. about Roberta and all that scum that governed before but I can’t support a VC that sleeps in their seat. Look at the streets, horrible conditions, lighting the same, valet parking and talks about a parking to be built anyway instead of putting a full stop to it. I personally do not see anything tangible to have come out since this VC came to power. But maybe it is better to do nothing than cause harm like the previous VC. Either way residents are screwed.
you not looking at the consequences of the high density development , as for the roads PSEG tells the blog get used to it they have a lot of upgrades to make
“and all that scum that governed before ” Just curious Bruce did any past council meet you expectation?
That doctor.
8:45 But you still read the Ridgewood blog after all those years.
Wondering why they scheduled to take it down Before they had an arborist look at it? Seems half ass backwards to me. The tree is old at least 70 years if not more