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‘It’s deja vu all over again’, the Ridgewood Blog Predicts Donald Trump Winner


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, ‘It’s deja vu all over again‘ , according to the current math of the electoral college , FL, GA, NC, SC, WV, KY, IN, TN,AL,MS,LA,AR,MO, TX,UT,WI,MI,OH and PA which gives us 276 at 10:38 pm November 3,2020.

The GOP will hold the Senate , and the Democrats will hold the House .

With the trajectory moving in President Trumps direction counting was stopped in several states to deprive the President of an election night victory speech.


17 thoughts on “‘It’s deja vu all over again’, the Ridgewood Blog Predicts Donald Trump Winner

  1. What are you smoking?

  2. Philly is this year’s Dade county. Democrats have stopped all counting (!!) till they have figured out how many extra postmark-less ballots need to ‘arrive’ to neutralize Biden’s deficit in the rest of the state.

    Incredible how after everything they have thrown at Trump, they still need to resort to this type of transparent shenanigans to push Biden over the line.

  3. A new low….even for the Democrats.

    Biden won’t finish his term….and then the real trouble begins.

    On an even sadder note, Spartacus won again. We are stuck with his hysteria for at least 6 more years.

  4. Oh but you losers lost your right to vote in April. Sad!!!!!!!

  5. Arizona mother fucker. You forgot about Arizona. Too bad

  6. a win for the good guys on the local referendum question.

  7. No way Arizona voted for Biden….that’s brazen….

  8. Yes, Arizona for Biden.

    1. i didn’t say Trump would win AZ

  9. 4am voter fraud. Somebody with horns and a long red tail doesn’t sleep at night apparently.

  10. Arizona, Mich, Wisconsin, NE02, Maine, AZ, and Nevada. Biden 270. Take Pa for Trump(which I don’t think he will win anyway) but go ahead. OVER

  11. This time Trump won’t be able to survive. At one point last night it seemed like he was sailing to victory with large leads in almost all the remaining and decisive states and then all of a sudden things started going downhill. They will actually make Biden win by large so that there is not much argument to be made. Globalists and leftists win this time and we lose. Painful to see a dementia patient and mean spirited witch win but this is what americans want. After 4 years of continuous attacks and undermining efforts the left will triumph using its wicked ways. I wish Trump could have found a way to survive but I suspect not even Supreme Court will side with him if it comes to that.
    Farewell USA!

  12. If this is still undecided on Jan 20th then Nancy Pelosi takes over….it’s in the Constitution.

  13. Nancy looks cadaverous….

  14. Unless he takes Pennsylvania Nevada and Alaska…. wrong again

  15. Something weird is happening. Regardless if you’re Democrat or Republican, you’re seeing it. I have a feeling something unexpected or abnormal is going to happen today, I don’t know what but in the spirit of 2020 I think we can all agree this year has been anything but normal. Unfortunately, I think the media is trying to tell their own story vs. reporting on the facts (no surprise). For example:

    Fox called AZ at midnight on election night, other major news networks have yet to call. Were they premature in their announcement? CNN spent a couple hours analyzing AZ in the middle of the night and the recent tranches of votes show Trump ~55%. The math shows that Trump needs to maintain ~52% of remaining votes to win AZ.

    In NV they haven’t counted any votes (or very little votes) in 24+ hours. Why? It’s not a very big state. The vote count hasn’t changed materially since election night. If Trump takes GA, NC and PA, it comes down to NV. Why is NV waiting? Interesting that the state where a national lockdown would hurt most is taking this long to release results.

    In NC Trump has had the margins for a couple days now. Mathematically it’s still possible for Biden, but it’s mathematically possible in other states that have been called too. Why are we holding off on announcing NC for Trump?

    Same with PA. Trump has the margins, Biden would need to take ~80% of the remaining vote. The media keeps focusing on Philadelphia county, where Biden is 80/20, but there are other counties that are still counting where Trump has sizeable advantages. PA for Trump is just as likely as other states that are still counting that have been called for Biden.

    In my opinion, I think the media is holding off on making announcements for Trump because they want to give the impression that Biden has it in the bag. Or perhaps they are trying to limit chaos and riots because it’s actually MUCH closer than what’s being presented. If we give Trump GA, NC, and PA, which are all very likely and within margin where they called other states for Biden, that puts Trump at 268 and Biden at 264 (presuming Biden takes AZ). That comes down to 6 votes in NV, the state that would be hurt most by Biden lockdown, and to a state where there is a 7K difference and they haven’t counted votes in 24+ hours.

    The mathematical probabilities puts the current state at Trump 268 and Biden 264. In my opinion, it’s coming down to Nevada, and I don’t think Democrats want to admit that because they know that state is dependent on a lively economy for survival and NV does not want lockdowns.

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