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Late August heat wave and no relief at Graydon Pool

graydon closed

August 31,2015

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Despite the unprecedented late August heat wave, management at Graydon Pool did not figure out how to keep the pool open.

If this were a private business, they would all be fired.

14 thoughts on “Late August heat wave and no relief at Graydon Pool

  1. Isn’t the breath of fresh air Village manager from the private sector. 26 th black belt.

  2. well the schools should of opened up on tuesday.

  3. We were just at the ocean. One guard watching a HUGE expanse of ocean all by himself. What is the deal with Graydon that they have to have ten million guards on duty, and all the guards have to be switching off for break every 30 minutes, in order to be open? It sure seems like the Ridgewood powers that be just don’t give a sh*t about the Graydon Pool users.

  4. What is being done right now to ensure that this doesn’t happen again?

  5. I agree. In the private sector someone at Parks and Rec would be held accountable.

    How many years has Graydon been open and successfully managed lifeguard staffing in August. We are in a heat wave and the pool is closed before Labor Day.

    Who is in charge of Graydon and when will that person be replaced?

  6. Charging fees for memberships and daily fees for its use makes it a “private business”.

  7. Even Darlington Park is closed this week. Apparently it is a county wide decision/problem.

    I would be interested in knowing membership numbers for this summer. Are they up, down or same from last summer?

    If they are up or the same, there is argument for preventing this type of closing in the future. If they are down by a lot…

  8. I guarantee it will not be an issue next year because Labor Day is the 5th. School will open on the 7th. The week before Labor Day the pools will be open.

  9. Darlington was open for swimming on Monday and Tuesday of this week, closed Wednesday through Friday, reopened again on Saturday through Monday.

  10. What a rip off! over $100 for a summer badge (Beach Haven is like $30), and they can’t even keep their little mud puddle staffed all summer.

  11. hahaha,this town is so f,./d up.

  12. time to clean the white house , and start from the top.

  13. “Their little Puddle” ha ha., But they can spend a half million on studying a garage deck plan in a traffic jam location. And redecorating what doesn’t need to be redecorated and bicycle path in high traffic area on tiny lanes

  14. next year the d e p will tell the town it needs to be filled in.

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