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Looks Like it’s Brogan, Kwak, and Mahmoud For the Ridgewood Board of Education

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  it appears that Shelia Brogan, HyunJu Kwak, and Muhammad Mahmoud have won seats on the Ridgewood Board of Education for the next three years, if the results so far currently stand.

As of Sunday some mail-ins had yet to be counted, and Cristopher Kaufman is only trailing Mahmoud by 32  votes. Kaufman conceded in a Facebook post Friday night, where he individually congratulated and thanked his opponents.

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29 thoughts on “Looks Like it’s Brogan, Kwak, and Mahmoud For the Ridgewood Board of Education

  1. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Don’t let the door hit you in your arse on your way out Cris. Torre Watson will always remember your kindness.

  2. Good luck Cris. So, sorry your running mate stabbed you in the back and asked people to bullet vote for him.

  3. Not for a moment do I believe Brogan had 1000 more votes than the 2nd place finisher.

    Nor do I believe that Vag beat Hoops by more than 1000 votes.

    The Secret Society is alive and well here in the ‘wood.

  4. Bracketing was not such a good idea after all. Kaufman was the stronger candidate.

    I skipped both of them.

  5. Muhammad did more in 1 year on the BOE than Chris did in 3 years. The choice was obvious to who was a stronger candidate.

  6. Never saw or heard from Mamood since his BOE term ended but somehow he was thought to be the strongest. I guess it pays in many ways to pay your way into the spot.

  7. At every table of chance, there is a patsy.
    Kaufman was the Patsy.
    He recruited his buddy, who does nothing and budges him out at the end.

  8. What has Brogan done in her tenure?

  9. Muhammed contributed all the money for the campaign. It’s only fair that he got extra votes.

  10. It is time for Sheila Brogan to move on. Having the same person for over 20 years does not make sense. I understand she wants to keep herself busy during retirement but we need new ideas and energy on the board like Susan Madison or Chris Kauffman or HyunJu Kwak who can add more value. Sheila’s seat could be better used by someone else. We need term limits on the board.

  11. Brogan has been there for 30 years….

  12. Brogan is the most destructive force in Ridgewood education

  13. All you Brogan bashers out there. The election is over and the voters have spoken. Move on!

  14. With Brogan getting elected, the board is essentially reduced to four people as Brogan never ever disagrees with the administration. She is there for symbolism.

  15. CK and MM were not strong candidates. They banded together and even so results were mixed. Madison was far more deserving.

  16. Cris Kaufman actually threatened to take legal action against a resident for just looking at his personal Facebook page! I guess the idiot never read Facebook For Dummies. No bigger moron on earth. Glad to know he’s done. A terrible role model for Ridgewood students. Be gone dummy.

  17. There is no reason for Ms Brogan to move on. She is obviously well regarded by the voters. Top vote getter and she hardly campaigned. She didn’t need to.

    1. The teachers union loves her

  18. I was surprised that Shelia Brogan received so many votes since I never saw her campaign — no lawn signs, no social media posts, no advertising of any sort. Shelia is just a rubber stamp for the administration and adds no value.

  19. While the other candidates were fighting with each other, Sheila stayed out of it and got the votes from both sides. I don’t even know what she stands for. The other candidates all had an agenda hence the disagreement whereas Sheila has nothing and adds no value. No benefit for our kids.

  20. “All you Brogan bashers out there. The election is over and the voters have spoken. Move on!”

    Hey! That’s what Brogan advocates they teach in the schools…. CONFORM and SHUT UP !

  21. “There is no reason for Ms Brogan to move on. She is obviously well regarded by the voters. Top vote getter and she hardly campaigned. She didn’t need to.”

    “I was surprised that Shelia Brogan received so many votes since I never saw her campaign — no lawn signs, no social media posts, no advertising of any sort.”

    You’re not too bright, are you?
    You must be the product of a RW education…


    Brogan was “the third vote” for many – that’s why she got so many votes.

    Ballot says “Vote for Three” and many RW residents are not intelligent enough to realize that they can only vote for one or two candidates

    The Mahmoud / Kaufman voters picked Brogan as their #3
    The Kwak / Madison voters picked Brogan as their #3

  22. One can’t simplify Brogan votes as just the “third” castaway choice.

    Brogan has built a reputation due to her 30 tenure. People tend to vote for the incumbent – even if she/he stopped adding value to her/his elected position.

    Brogan’s ego will never let her resign since she would have done so already (like other BOE trustees). Sadly she is on the election cycle with other BOE trustees. Unless Ridgewood residents buck the norm of casting their votes for the incumbents, Brogan will die as BOE trustee.

  23. Brogan doesn’t like Gorman. So it’s wrong to say that she is part of the administration.

  24. Ridgewood should be celebrating Sheila for her leadership on the BOE over all these years. She is always the best prepared. She studies the legislative activity and translates it to the local level. She knows the facilities, school law, she follows trends in education and welcomes new thinking. She is not aligned with one group or the other – she is aligned with the students first. She stands up to the REA pushes on the Superintendent to reconsider and bring new thinking to the table.


  25. So what you are saying is that Brogan is a benign dictator ?

    30+ years is WAY too much.

    Term limits need to be introduced.

  26. Look around the state. The long serving incumbent is endemic on school boards across the state. No one wants this position so incumbents are not challenged. It’s no glamour, hard work, long hours, and an increasingly hostile public – that’s why Ridgewood is lucky to have Brogan. She does not just fill the seat, nor does she represent any particular group or agenda. Too bad that’s not celebrated.

  27. True.
    Brogan does not just fill the seat (that would be preferable). Instead, she systematically destroys RW education by pushing non-academic, destructive , socialist poilicies.

  28. What is Sheila’s background? Any information to prove that she is qualified for the job? What outside experience is she bringing on the table? What did she do during those 30 years on the board? Can someone educate all of us? It would have been nice it it came from Sheila. I guess she knew people would vote for her regardless of her background.

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