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November 6th Marked the Anniversary of Rutgers University and Princeton Playing the first Intercollegiate Football Game


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

New Brunswick NJ, Rutgers University and its neighbor, Princeton, played the first game of intercollegiate football on Nov. 6, 1869, on a plot of ground where the present-day Rutgers gymnasium now stands in New Brunswick, N.J. Rutgers won that first game, 6-4.

The game was played with two teams of 25 men each under rugby-like rules, but like modern football, it was “replete with surprise, strategy, prodigies of determination, and physical prowess,” to use the words of one of the Rutgers players.

2 thoughts on “November 6th Marked the Anniversary of Rutgers University and Princeton Playing the first Intercollegiate Football Game

  1. Wisconsin celebrated at New Brunswick yesterday to the tune of 52-3.

  2. Are they suing for reparations?
    I mean they were college athletes who did not get paid…

    Asking for a friend.

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