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the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Blog has obtained a document posted openly on the Bergen County Clerk’s website indicating that Ridgewood Mayor Paul Vagianos and his spouse, Jean Bogle, recently extended a $47K mortgage, in the form of a promissory note, to Mr. Richard Brooks and his spouse, Ms. Gail Price.

Mr. Brooks currently serves as chair of Ridgewood’s Parks, Recreation and Conservation Board (reportedly he has been the Board’s chair for over 20 years), and Ms. Price served as attorney for the Ridgewood Planning Board several years ago. Ms. Price is said to have represented Mr. Vagianos in a legal matter related to construction of the Hudson Street Parking Garage during 2019, prior to his successful 2021 run for Village Council. Mr. Vagianos’ attorney’s fees for those legal services are rumored to have paid by Ridgewood taxpayers.

Given the Village government connection between Mr. Vagianos and Mr. Brooks, no one on our staff thinks this financial transaction passes the smell test. However, we want to know what you think. In light of the $47K loan, what possible conflicts of interest, if any, could now exist on the part of the mayor and/or Mr. Brooks?

What say you?

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  1. Unethical and totally inappropriate (likely a payoff of some sort) for a whole bunch of things, namely:
    1) Help get the field over on the Schedler property (Richard Brooks),
    2) help get the billboard on Route 17 for local businesses to advertise (Gail Price)

    What else do we need to find out. Recall Paul now!

  2. Now That’s a Shocker

  3. The words “quid pro quo “come to mind immediately.

  4. I hope something is going to be done about this. First of all, The Mayor giving money to someone who has the ability to leverage influence and serve on a board is inappropriate. Make it look like a loan or even if it was really a loan as apparently this couple is in financial arrears, but since Brooks was very vocal about the mayor’s pet project that he has been pushing for and then voted on last week is unbelievable. Then on top of that Gail Price is the partner for the lawfirm that is handling the application for the giant billboard too. another crony mis step. These people do not understand that they cannot do things like this. Recall Paul now!!! He should not be allowed to be the mayor with his hand in so many pots.

  5. Interesting to note too that someone on that document gave $500 to Evan’s campaign which is public information.

  6. A clear ethics violation if I ever saw one!

  7. Well in my opinion, and it won’t happen, but Paul needs to recuse himself of all matters having to do with the CBD. IN light of this impropriety, Richard Brooks needs to step down as Chair of these boards that he is serving on and then where the zoning board re election nominations are concerned, Paul cannot be involved as it is clearly now a conflict of interest that someone he gave money to is a partner in the firm representing the billboard company trying to get their first billboard on Route 17 and Gail Price is responsible because either Paul got them interested in Ridgewood or Gail Price did. Either way it smells like something is really rotten in Denmark for sure. As a matter of fact, the billboard application should get thrown out too. Collusion related to the ballfields and the billboard!! Recall this mayor now!!

  8. Interesting photo of who is on the front lawn of this zillow page –

  9. Supporter backing might erode over this for Paul’s upcoming campaign. Where there is smoke there is fire. It doesn’t look good for Paul even though he probably thinks that he is a big hero helping his poor friends out of a tough spot. This guy doesn’t strike me to be the kind of person who would do something without some kind of personal gain. People are also curious about the impropriety related to Feed the Frontlines where $4 million dollars has not been accounted for.

  10. The person who notarized and signed the above “Loan” document also donated campaign contributions to Vagianos, Weitz and Winograd, to all of their campaigns, so she knew that this loan was happening, and she is an atty. So much going on in such a small village.

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