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Mayor Susan Knudsen thanks all those Who Helped Memorial Day Service and Remembers the Fallen

memorial day service

photo courtesy of  Mayor Susan Knudsen

Thank you to American Legion Post 53 for today’s beautiful Memorial Day Service. Special thanks to Commander Bob Paoli and all of our Veterans, the Ridgewood High School Band and Jeff Haas, Sally Ann Tumas Skoric, Sophia Sheehy, Father Ron and Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Ridgewood Police, Fire and EMT and, most especially, ALL those honored and remembered on Memorial Day. Below is the full text of my speech from today – speaking from the heart I may have missed a few lines!
-Each day leaving my house, or when returning home, I see the flag of the United States of America, the American flag, OUR flag proudly flying from a pole attached to my front porch. There have been times when I thought I might like to change out the flag to a seasonal design to greet spring or summer, welcome fall, wish a merry Christmas or maybe acknowledge a birthday. I never have. You see, OUR flag is the most beautiful flag I’ve ever seen. Mine is faded and needs to be replaced. Even faded it’s the most beautiful flag in the world.

-Arriving at Village Hall I see the flag flying out front greeting visitors; the Prisoner of War – Missing in Action sharing the halyard, resting just below. At Memorial Park is the American flag with the Honor and Remember flag, once again sharing the halyard just below, following her every move.
-Sometimes our flag whips and flies wildly with a wicked gust. Sometimes she flies firm and sturdy with a steady wind. Sometimes gently waving on a soft and tender breeze. Sometimes, when the air is still, she rests peacefully…..tranquil, waiting for the next wind to raise her up in magnificent glory. Perhaps, on this rainy day, she simply weeps for the blood of fallen heroes spent protecting our freedoms.

-There are those times, too many times, when the flag is found bringing home the brave in a flag draped casket.
Proudly, yet tenderly and reverently, covering one of our soldiers on a last journey home to loved ones and a grateful nation. Removed and folded thirteen times – each fold with meaning and spiritual significance. Beginning with the first as a symbol of life – ending with the last, a reminder to all that In God We Trust. Another fallen hero is laid to rest.

-Who were these heroes? Our fallen heroes honored here today on Memorial Day? They were men and women, tall and short, big and small, young and old, of all colors, race, ethnicity, religion, faith, culture, orientation, from all walks of life, from every part of our nation and from all around the world, speaking many languages, with differing levels of education from every conceivable background. They were from cities and towns, mountains and farmland. Look around – our fallen heroes reflect all of us.

-Forever missed and loved by family and friends, loved and honored by a nation. Remembered here today for their sacrifice to our country and for protecting that glorious flag, a beacon of hope around the world and all it represents: freedom, liberty and human rights. Proudly waving in the wind saluting our bravest. Saluting our fallen heroes.

-Mayor Susan Knudsen

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