Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld will hold office hours for Ridgewood residents and business owners on Thursday, April 23 between the hours of 4:30pm to 7:30pm. This is an opportunity to share your thoughts and provide input to Roberta. These sessions will be scheduled at 15 minute intervals and will be held in the Garden Room – on the First Level of Ridgewood Village Hall. Please contact Beth Spinato at 201-670-5500, ext. 203 to make an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome but should realize that the schedule may already be booked. We will announce the schedule for these meetings on a monthly basis
Roberta, it would be great to see a Municipal tax cut given the recovery of stolen Village funds from Rica and the end of the quarters theft by Village employees. Further, interest payments on our Village debt should be reduced given AAA rate munis cost under 2.5%, and the new CBAs should see some concessions from police & fire on wages and pension & healthcare contribution amounts after their 4%+ annual wage increases since 2009 vs. inflation in NJ under 2% since then and the 2% property tax cap. Why can’t the Village also put more pressure on Valley for a >$2 million annual payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) for the Village services they consume every year? They pay the non-profit CEO $2.0mn a year, so it’s the least they could do instead of clogging up our Planning Board meetings and suing us.
He’s Back.
Ridgewood residents might do better with and e-mail of concern and sharing it with your personal Council Member friends — that’s really “SPREADING THE NEWS AND VIEWS’ to more voters in town.
That will be more fair to the Village Mgr. too I believe.
time to out source the manager.
Dom Please!
How about dinner with the Manager.
what is she doing as village manager.come on. go back to wall street. and yes if she can get some tax money from valley then she did a good job.
If you are her friend, you can get a job. You can even get a new position created for you, salary, benefits, the works. Look at the new director of the building department, her friend from college. look at the new HR manager, her friend from the Bergen County LEADS. Yes, let’s all go meet the manager. Only problem is, she might just start screaming at you as she has been witnessed doing to certain elected officials. So if you meet with her, bring back-up.
I have met the manager. I hope to never see her face again. Done