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Meet the Village Manager – Saturday, September 27th 9am to Noon


Meet the Village Manager – Saturday, September 27th 9am to Noon

Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld will hold office hours for Ridgewood residents and business owners on Saturday, September 27th between the hours of 9am to 12 Noon. This is an opportunity to share your thoughts and provide input to Roberta. These sessions will be scheduled at 15 minute intervals and will be held in the Council Chambers on the 4th Floor of Ridgewood Village Hall. Please contact Beth Spinato at 201-670-5500, ext. 203 to make an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome but should realize that the schedule may already be booked. We will announce the schedule for these meetings on a monthly basis.

10 thoughts on “Meet the Village Manager – Saturday, September 27th 9am to Noon

  1. Give it a try …. sometimes 9 to 12 noon is more convenient for us “old timers”
    Bring an extra black coffee …. she’ll love it !!!

  2. Roberta deserves a lot of credit. When was the last time a Village manager took their personal time on a weekend to meet with residents ? She is a long overdue breath of fresh air at Village Hall and she is really trying to implement change in the way they do business.

  3. News Searcher you are some SUCK UP

  4. News Searcher stop sucking up. There is only one podium and that already spoke for.

  5. #3/4. Sucking up only works when the person knows that you are saying nice things about them.

    Stop being haters.

  6. So #5 you don’t think that THE BREATH OF FRESH AIR and THE RIGHT REV. AL read this blog?

  7. Not only do the read the Ridgewood Bolg they probably post on it too.

  8. #6. What is the point of sucking up if your hero does not know who you are? Suck-ups need acknowledgement.

  9. # 8 I don’t doubt that that the suck ups on this blog go back to their heros and tell them that they are the ones sticking up for them on the blog. You know how it done #8. you been working the system for a long time.

  10. #8 and #9 are going to complain about everyone and everything, they’re thugs

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