the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Mahwah NJ, more delays impact the installation of a permanent cell tower off Rozanski Lane, in Mahwah. Township Administrator Benjamin Kezmarsky said Tuesday , “It will be another eight weeks before construction starts due to material availability,” Kezmarsky said. “And this is subject to change based on weather and material lead time.”
A 150-foot temporary cell tower at the township’s Fire Company 3 site was activated in May 2021 has received mixed reviews by an estimated 5,300 residents in the 2-mile-wide dead zone on the township’s northern border. Some residents were happy reporting that their cellphones had reception for the first time, but there were also reports of erratic service depending on where they lived and the type of service used.
Now residents hope the permanent 183-foot tower will provide better reception, despite the area’s hilly terrain and tree canopy may resist penetration in certain areas.
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