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Motor Vehicle collides With Baby Deer on Goffle Hill Road in Hawthorne

Motor Vehicle collides With Baby Deer on Goffle Hill Road in Hawthorne

photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

August 3,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, Hawthorne PD responded to the intersection of Goffle Hill Road and New York Avenue on Wednesday afternoon, 08/02, to investigate a reported motor vehicle collision involving a baby deer. The responding uniformed patrol officers located the injured fawn lying on the lawn of a nearby home, and interviewed the adult female driver involved in the incident. Tyco Animal Control Services was dispatched as per protocol. Sadly, the animal’s injuries were serious enough to warrant putting it down (handled by Tyco). No summonses were issued in connection with the incident.

3 thoughts on “Motor Vehicle collides With Baby Deer on Goffle Hill Road in Hawthorne

  1. Ok that picture is too graphic and sad.

  2. It would be a shame for it to go to waste. Some mighty tasty road kill there.

  3. Keep deers alive, drive 25 🙂

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