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Mr. Rutishauser, the name of that tree is the Sunburst Honey Locust. Not the Paterson Palm. Not a ghetto palm tree

Paterson Falls

October 7,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Village Engineer Christopher Rutishauser seemed to contract “foot in mouth disease”,on Wednesday night when talking about the Village tree stock he used the term Ghetto Palms to describe a tree that grows in Patterson ,saying “The Paterson Palm.  A tree that grows best in ghettos.” he would like to eradicate in Ridgewood.  It was said in a somewhat derogatory manner and both Anne and Boyd spoke about this during public comment.  They were highly offended. Other felt it was a dumb and insensitive comment.

If you missed the comments from Mr. Rutishauser, here’s a link to the OFFICIAL Village of Ridgewood video of the meeting:

The word is that Ms. Johnson ( bike lanes to nowhere guru) is planning on leaving Ridgewood as her children have graduated. Regarding Chris Rutishauser’s reference to the lovely and sturdy honey locust tree as a “ghetto palm” found all over Paterson, I would like to quote The National Arbor Day website: the honey locust tree “has captured the hearts of community foresters and homeowners throughout America and is tough enough to withstand just about any urban setting.” Sounds like a great tree for Ridgewood that is becoming more urbanized as we speak.

10 thoughts on “Mr. Rutishauser, the name of that tree is the Sunburst Honey Locust. Not the Paterson Palm. Not a ghetto palm tree

  1. The man should be fired. He’s outlived his usefulness to the Village. He’s an insult to the new “government for the people” administration.

  2. Peter Deuber, may he rest in peace, was right. Rutishauser must go. Hope you’re enjoying this Peter.

  3. Muzzle him or fire him.

  4. Listen to the tape. Is Rutishauser talking about trees…….or is he really talking about undesirable people from Paterson? Bigotry is everywhere. How is a public official allowed to get away with slamming Paterson as a ghetto and telling the ghetto trees to go back where they belong?

  5. Mr. Rutishauser your Godmother aka Roberta is gone so IT”S NOT business as usual. Keep it up and they will also be advertising for a new engineer on the Village website along with the Manger position and NWCD Manger positions .

  6. # honey locust trees lives matter.

  7. Ask him to resign, if he does not then he should be fired.

  8. Too bad that Roger and Peter are gone. They would have a few choice words for Mr. BIg Shot.

  9. We no longer have Roberta on the dais saying Chris Chris Chris ad nauseum all while drooling. She was sickening in her adoration of this totally incompetent, and now it turns out completely bigoted, man.

  10. Mr. Rutishauser is correct. There is dead/ghetto wood that needs to be removed but it’s not outdoors. They are all working at Village Hall. Enough already! This is almost as bad as the bike lanes.

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