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New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission officially Began Accepting License Applications for adult-use cannabis cultivation, manufacturing and testing laboratories

green rows beautiful outdoor marijuana under frame1

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, New Jersey CannaBusiness Association (NJCBA) President Edmund DeVeaux issued the following statement today on the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission officially beginning to accept license applications for adult-use cannabis cultivation, manufacturing and testing laboratories:

“New Jersey should be extremely proud of the application portals opening today for cultivation, manufacturing, and laboratory testing. Looking beyond the challenges over the years to put expanded medical and adult-use cannabis markets in place legislatively and by regulation, we surpassed the tri-state commercial region in matters of regulating social justice and industry. The NJCBA continues to stand ready to be a resource for current license holders, prospective licensees, and municipalities hosting cannabis businesses, both for the application round starting today and all future application rounds.”

The NJCBA’s mission is to promote jobs and growth in a sustainable and responsible cannabis industry. Starting with the pioneers in the medical cannabis market to the emerging players in the adult-use space, the NJCBA’s focus is to make certain that decision-makers and regulators understand and respect the needs of the CannaBusiness community and that our community remain responsible corporate citizens.


2 thoughts on “New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission officially Began Accepting License Applications for adult-use cannabis cultivation, manufacturing and testing laboratories

  1. This will only lead to the underage having easier access to pot.
    Exactly what we don’t need.

    Whatever happened to the Drug-Free School Zone street signs I remember from the 1980s? I guess today’s progressive idiots don’t care about hooking kids on pot.

  2. Go have your martini

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