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Maximizing Performance: The Importance of Choosing the Right Die Springs

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The efficiency and performance of equipment are critical to ensuring high-quality production in any manufacturing process. One often overlooked component in manufacturing systems is the spring mechanism that supports various tools and presses. Springs play a crucial role in maintaining the functionality of machinery, especially in high-pressure operations. Hence, their role in supporting the overall performance of equipment should be considered.

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Innovation in Machine Manufacturing: The Future of Production

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In the evolving global manufacturing landscape, innovation is crucial for future production processes. Industries are transforming through technological advancements like AI, robotics, and IoT, leading to enhanced efficiency, customization, and cost savings in product manufacturing.

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New Environmental Justice Rules: New Jersey is No Longer open to Manufacturing and the Good-paying jobs they Deliver

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, NJBIA Deputy Chief Government Affairs Officer Ray Cantor released the following statement regarding the publishing of the final Environmental Justice rule in the New Jersey Register today, as announced by Gov. Phil Murphy. 

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Lab Equipment Manufacturing: Things You Need to Know

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Lab equipment manufacturing is a critical aspect of the scientific research process. It involves producing components and instruments that are used in laboratories across the world to conduct experiments, analyze data, and generate reliable results. Quality lab equipment can help researchers make accurate measurements and draw valid conclusions about their findings. As such, manufacturers must pay close attention to detail when designing, testing, and producing these items. 

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Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips introduces bill to boost state’s angel investor tax credit program

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, in 2019, Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips sponsored legislation that successfully doubled the angel investor tax credit. Noting increased competition from neighboring states and a lagging economy, he introduced a bill Tuesday to increase the tax credit again.

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Leisure and Hospitality, Lead Job Gains in March


staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 431,000 in March, and the unemployment rate declined to 3.6 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Notable job gains continued in leisure and hospitality, professional and business services, retail trade, and manufacturing. Household Survey Data The unemployment rate declined by 0.2 percentage point to 3.6 percent in March, and the number of unemployed persons decreased by 318,000 to 6.0 million.

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New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission officially Began Accepting License Applications for adult-use cannabis cultivation, manufacturing and testing laboratories

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, New Jersey CannaBusiness Association (NJCBA) President Edmund DeVeaux issued the following statement today on the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission officially beginning to accept license applications for adult-use cannabis cultivation, manufacturing and testing laboratories: Continue reading New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission officially Began Accepting License Applications for adult-use cannabis cultivation, manufacturing and testing laboratories

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NJBIA President Forced to Admit No Incentive to Own and Operate a Business In New Jersey

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

the staff of the Ridgewod blog

Trenton NJ, NJBIA President & CEO Michele N. Siekerka, Esq. issued the following statement Thursday regarding Gov. Phil Murphy’s action on A-4495, which revises the Corporation Business Tax.

“We are extremely disappointed the governor has signed A-4495 into law, which extends well beyond the intended cleanup of the Corporation Business Tax (CBT) legislation passed in July and will place a significant additional financial burden on our state’s largest job creators and discourage startup companies from operating here.

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Trump Administration Deregulation Drive Spurs Economic Growth


December 15,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC , President Trump is touting his administration’s progress on deregulation, according to the President for every one new regulation an amazing 22 are eliminated. Trump said the goal is to get the stack of regulations smaller than that of the 1960’s.

According to the Wall Street Journal ,” the biggest change has been in U.S. economic policy, notably the Trump Administration’s deregulatory efforts and the boost they have given business confidence.”

The Labor Department reported Friday December 8th  that the U.S. created 228,000 net new jobs in November, in the latest sign that the American economy is growing at a healthier pace.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows that nonfarm payrolls grew by 228,000 jobs in November, with gains across all sectors except information and utilities. The pace in November is higher than the 2017 average of 174,000 per month, and 1.7 million jobs have been added since January. The November unemployment rate matched October’s rate of 4.1 percent, which was the lowest rate in more than 16 years (since December 2000).

For Hispanic workers, the 4.7 percent unemployment rate in November was the lowest in at least 44 years.

Meanwhile, the Commerce Department revealed Wednesday that the GDP expanded at a 3.3 percent rate in the third quarter after being adjusted for seasonal factors and inflation. That’s the first time since 2007 that quarterly economic output exceeded the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate of its “maximum sustainable level,” the Wall Street Journal reported .