file photo by Boyd Loving
September 10,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, New Jersey Department of Education Teacher Evaluations for Ridgewood Schools.
New Jersey Teacher Evaluations 2015-2016
The database shows the number of teachers at each school who were rated ineffective, partially effective, effective and highly effective under the state’s teacher evaluation system. The state did not name the teachers or release their individual evaluations to protect their privacy.
Ridgewood High School 89 Effective 45 Highly Effective 134 total rated
Benjamin Franklin 36 Effective 20 Highly Effective 56 total rated
George Washington 36 Effective 19 Highly Effective 55 total rated
Hawes 11Effective 18 Highly Effective 29 total rated
Ridge 25 Effective 9 Highly Effective 34 total rated
Somerville 19Effective 13 Highly Effective 32 total rated
Travell 10 Effective16 Highly Effective 26 total rated
Orchard 18Effective 6 Highly Effective 24 total rated
Willard 29Effective 4 Highly Effective 33 total rated