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Epidemic of Unlocked Cars in Ridgewood Leads to a Rash of Thefts 

ridgewood police

file photo by Boyd Loving

September 10,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog


Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Police Department would like to remind residents to lock your cars, even in your own driveway. Do not leave valuables visible in your vehicle at any time.

A Crest Road resident reported between 8/31/17 and 9/1/17 an unknown actor entered a parked unlocked vehicle and removed loose coins from within. The victim reported approximately $5 was removed.

On 9/1/17 a Cottage Place resident reported a parked unlocked vehicle was entered between 8/31/17 and 9/1/17. The victim reported a purse was removed from the vehicle and personal property was taken.

A Cedar Avenue resident reported on 9/1/17 an unknown actor entered a parked unlocked vehicle and removed items from within. The victim reported approximately $2000 in cash was removed from the vehicle.

On 9/1/17 an Ackerman Avenue resident reported a theft from an unlocked automobile. The theft reportedly occurred between 8/31/17 and 9/1/17. The victim reported two items valued at $1100 were removed from the vehicle.

Ptl. Brandon Donnelly responded to a Crest Road residence on a report of a stolen motor vehicle in the past. Upon arrival the victim reported a Toyota Land Cruiser was stolen between 9/2/17 and 9/3/17. The vehicle was reported to have been parked in the driveway and left unlocked. The victim reported the value of the vehicle was approximately $10,000 and the vehicle contained personal property valued at about $1200.

On 9/4/17, a Spring Avenue resident reported a theft from a parked unlocked vehicle in the driveway. The victim reported a change purse containing loose change was stolen and the vehicle registration was also missing.

A Spring Avenue resident reported discovering a theft from a vehicle on 9/5/17. The victim reported an unknown actor entered an unlocked parked vehicle and removed loose change from within the vehicle.

2 thoughts on “Epidemic of Unlocked Cars in Ridgewood Leads to a Rash of Thefts 

  1. How is locking cars the solution to thieves walking around the village unchallenged?

    If anything, I would rather they collect loose change and other nonsense from my car in the driveway instead of trying break into my house. That is the next step once easy money from unlocked cars disappears.

    Thieves will steal. If the easiest type of theft is restricted, they will move onto the next level (much as deterring car thefts through electronic keys has led to a surge in carjackings).

    Once again, the problem is not unlocked cars or people leaving handbags in cars. The problem is thieves roaming around unchallenged. What – if anything – is being done about that?

  2. Majority of smash and grab are drug addicts. Windows and locks dont stop them. Basically zombie population afoot…

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