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New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Grants “Big Tree Status” for the Sugar Maple Tree located on the Schedler Property

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Village council was informed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection that Ridgewood has been granted “big tree status” for the sugar maple tree located on the Schedler Property, which is adjacent to the Schedler-Zabriski House. This recognition likely highlights the significance and size of the sugar maple, making it an important natural landmark in the area.

Since the 1930s, the New Jersey Forest Service’s Big Tree Conservation Program has kept a record of big trees in New Jersey. The Official New Jersey Big Tree Registry is a compilation of the largest native and naturalized tree species throughout the state. These trees have been nominated by New Jersey residents and have environmental, aesthetic and genetic value. Additionally, some trees have historic value and should be conserved for future generations.

Some of New Jersey’s big trees also have historic value. These trees have been around for hundreds of years, witnessing many state and local historic events, and are known as Heritage Trees or Witness Trees. These historic tree monuments are important to New Jersey’s natural heritage and occupy all unique geographic regions found in New Jersey. We can use these trees to tell stories of the past or preserve the memories we make today for our children.

The benefits of conserving big trees are countless, prompting the New Jersey Forest Service, in 2019, to change the name of the program from The Champion Tree Program to The Big Tree Conservation Program. Prior to 2019, the emphasis was mainly on locating Champion Trees (the largest trees in the state) or National Champions (the largest New Jersey trees in the United States). The New Jersey Forest Service takes great pride in educating the public on the proper conservation of big and heritage trees to help ensure that they will continue to provide enjoyment for many years to come.

In 2016, the New Jersey Forest Service had 150 trees listed on the Official New Jersey Big Tree Registry, with very little public participation in the program. Today, the New Jersey Big Tree Conservation Program boasts more than 400 big trees on the registry and participation has grown tremendously.

Big trees give us hope. These massive trees have stood the test of time and weathered countless storms and events. If these great survivors can stand strong after enduring so much, then so can we.

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33 thoughts on “New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Grants “Big Tree Status” for the Sugar Maple Tree located on the Schedler Property

  1. Love it!

    Tough sheet Pee Wee!!

  2. This sounds like a win in the fight to stop the sports complex?

  3. Matt Rogers and Paul Vagianos are trying to kill this.

    1. Matt Rogers sucking up our tax dollars on this nonsense???

  4. Council was pissed off because THEY didn’t initiate this. So arrogant

    1. You mean Siobahn Winograd

  5. This is amazing news! But then why would the Village be trying to stop this? Is it Matt trying to stop it, is it Siobahn, Paul? This seems like a mystery wrapped in a riddle which seems to be common for Ridgewood these days. I would think this would be a significant milestone so clarity is required as to why they spent tax dollars to try to squash this. Doesn’t Matt have better things to do with his time?

  6. I think Siobahn may want to re-read the proclomation on trees again.

  7. Is that the tree that the Village engineer told the historic consultant needed to come to come down? They were hoping to get rid of this tree with their smoke show, now I guess it will
    not be possible.

  8. You would never read this true story on TapInto Ridgewood’s marketing paper. Paul is good buddies, with the owner, Jason D”Alessi (allegedly :). Only articles that suit the council make it to TapInto.

  9. The tree will make a good third defenseman in front of the south end goal net . 😉

    1. I feel very sorry for you. You need help.

  10. Can I tap them and make syrup please?

    1. Why don’t you tap tapinto. lots of gooey stuff will come out.

  11. Didn’t we tell you the village is so dirty, don’t trust any of those knuckleheads up top. It’s one bullshit story after another. Every week is something else. They must sit in close door meetings and think about what they can mess up next. Meeting of the minds, it’s just amazing how they don’t impress us.

  12. Early xmas present

  13. The bottom line is that the Village does not care about history because it doesn’t suit their plans and they want a giant sports complex to be built. Paul, Siobahn, Evan and Pam will do whatever they can to deny the history of that property. Is that the right thing to do, no it is not. Those kids that just won the NJ bronze medals for sustainability should come to a council meeting and should be asked for them to share their thoughts around the hypocrisy of the village to state that we achieved status of being called a tree city USA designate, yet they plan to level 7 acres of trees to put an artificial turf field over there with a few dogwoods for show.

  14. The village engineer is such a ass , he is a notable member of the puppet group.

  15. Awww, we’re all so concerned about preserving history now? Fine. All y’all move out and let’s return the land to the Lenape, et al. No? Oh, OK. It’s a tree, people. Are you going to let a moldering old hulk of bark stand in the way of progre$$? No, I didn’t stutter. I said PROGRE$$$.

    Also, what’s this about trees witnessing things? Trees can tell us stories now? Why say dumb stuff? It’s not necessary and it doesn’t help. There are far, far more important issues the American public needs to be educated about before ‘tree’ makes the list, dontcha think?

    Don’t fool yourselves. None of you care about the tree. When was the last time any of you sanctimonious yokels visited the tree, hugged it, expressed your eternal gratitude to it? Never? You don’t say. The tree is merely a convenient switch you’re using to flog your political rivals … who, admittedly, are giant jackoffs, sooooo … I don’t know who is worse.

    1. I don’t care about that tree at all. I care even less about putting a field of any kind on that property. You call placing a ball field on that property progress, I call it the stupidest thing that could be done on that property. Does that make me a jackoff or does that make you a jackoff? I can’t help but wonder if you personally profit from this stupid idea of a ball field on the Schedler Property…..HMMMMM.

    2. Calm down Beavis..

      1. Grow up Butthead

    3. I suggest you read the post before you comment

    4. Haha. Progress

    5. Here are your tax dollars at work. Let’s recap 2023:

      1) ACLU contacts mayor Paul vagianos for hiding comments on his Facebook page and Village attorney has to deal with this;
      2) Mayor Paul Vagianos gives his good friends a mortgage loan for $47k with 10% interest-village attorney has to write a response for him regarding direct or indirect pecuniary interests, even though Brooks is Chair of Parks and Rec and Gail Price is law partner of firm representing giant billboard applying for variances in Ridgewood, and writes a quick letter for Mayor to read at VC meeting;
      3) Siobahn Winograd needs Matt Rogers to attend her Shade Tree Committee meetings-no sure why but that is a good use of his time;
      4)Village attorney spends hours of time determining the status of the historic tree that he puts legal prededent around;
      5) Decorum is established, but people who are friends with the majority of the council can still get away with being a bully and nothing will be done, village attoney cites caselaw from other municipalities.

  16. I love the tree It gives it the character, it actually looks very spooky. While it’s not going nowhere. Ha ha .

  17. I just like watching this scumbag council majority fail so miserably at everything they try to do. Maybe if we give the crook “historic consultant,” or the historically crooked consultant another $25K he could suggest that we simply move the tree.

    1. Oh yes, he can move the tree for only $25K but he will charge the village so much money to come up with the proposal. How much have we paid him so far? Didn’t someone say he was in serious arrears paying his former employees to the tune of beacoup bucks? Has numerous company names, company Tax IDs, PO box addresses…the list goes on and on, but Paul, Pam, Evan and Siobahn all love the guy, go figure.

  18. Bend over Hawes, here it comes!

  19. The mayor council and management are all sleep in the same bed. Especially the top management they have to do what they’re told. Constantly have a thumb over their head. What a shame to live like that. Oh well, that’s what happens when you’re in the puppet crew.

  20. u know the sports teams are warming up their chain saws

    1. I am sure the village would get their buddy Downes in there again if and when the time comes. After all, they already cut down 3 and a half acres of trees when no one was looking and village engineer and his pals trucked in all kinds of toxic dirt and the jury is still out as to whether this has actually been tested. Although these days everything is under scrutiny, so doubt Paul and his merry band of dimwits will get away with any shit any time soon.

  21. Maybe CBS or Channel 12 will do another story. After all, they are getting a taste of how good Ridgewood politics play out on TV.

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