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NJ Business Coalition Urges Faster Reopening of Businesses


the staff of the Ridgewood blog


Ridgewood NJ, The New Jersey Business Coalition released the following joint statement today urging the faster reopening of businesses that can currently meet safety protocols.

“We are at a pivotal time regarding the livelihoods of New Jerseyans and their ability to provide for themselves and their families.

“Thousands of our businesses are struggling to survive, and are clinging to every last resource they have attempting to make it to their prescribed reopening date, with many not having one yet. And even then, they’ll face great challenges due to smaller capacities in which they will be required to operate.

“At the same time, we continue to see positive signs on our health data, showing our COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths on the decline. And despite increased testing, there have been no determinant spikes in New Jersey among the millions of residents who have gone to larger stores deemed essential, visited parks, beaches or boardwalks, and/or attended rallies over the past weeks and months.

“Further, the science behind COVID-19 continues to evolve as we now know that its risk of spread through asymptomatic individuals as well as on surfaces may be less than first believed.

“This is all great news and has led to the lifting of the stay-at-home order and the easing of restrictions of both indoor and outdoor gatherings.

“And today, the Governor presented the One Jersey Pledge, a series of safety protocols that enable businesses and organizations to objectively demonstrate the steps they are taking to keep their premises safeguarded. We believe this will build confidence amongst employees and patrons.

“With the safety protocol boxes in place as demonstrated by the One Jersey Pledge, we believe there should be no further delay in reopening those businesses that can do so responsibly.

“We respect the Governor’s phased-in reopening plan and regard for protecting human health. But the lifting of restrictions for certain activities versus others and the slow pace of some aspects of state issued guidance is leaving on the sidelines thousands of businesses that can safeguard now and will pledge to do so.

“Meanwhile, New Jersey consumers are now traveling to neighboring states like Delaware and Pennsylvania for a trip to a salon, a hairstylist or a restaurant. Additionally, municipalities are now passing ordinances to open at a more rapid pace and the situation only gets more confusing and economically harmful to business owners.
“With all of this in mind, we respectfully urge Governor Murphy to accommodate businesses equipped to reopen safely and to let them open as soon as they can check the One Jersey Pledge boxes. These businesses want to keep their employees, customers and contractors safe and will do what it takes.

“Livelihoods are at stake with each passing day. Business owners should not fall victim to prescriptive timelines when they show they can reopen safely within New Jersey’s markedly improved conditions.”
New Jersey Business Coalition members signing on to this statement include:

African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey, Inc. 

American Camp Association NY/NJ
New Jersey Camps Government Affairs Project
American Council of Engineering Companies of New Jersey
American Physical Therapy Association of New Jersey
Bernards Township Regional Chamber of Commerce
Bio NJ
Burlington County Regional Chamber of Commerce
Cape May County Chamber of Commerce
Capital Region Minority Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce of Greater Philadelphia
Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey
Chemistry Council of NJ
Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey
CrossState Credit Union Association
Downtown New Jersey
Early Childhood Education Advocates
Eastern Monmouth Area Chamber of Commerce
Employers Association of NJ
Fuel Merchants Associates of NJ
Garden State Pharmacy Owners, Inc
Global Business Alliance
Gloucester County Chamber of Commerce
Greater Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce
Greater Toms River Chamber of Commerce
Greater Westfield Area Chamber of Commerce
Health Care Association of NJ
Healthcare Institute of NJ
Hoboken Chamber of Commerce
Home Care & Hospice Association of New Jersey
Home Health Services Association of New Jersey
Hudson County Chamber of Commerce
Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce
Insurance Council of New Jersey
International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association
Jersey Shore Partnership
Mahwah Regional Chamber of Commerce
Marine Trades Association of New Jersey
Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce
Meadowlands Chamber
Monmouth Ocean Development Council
Morris County Chamber of Commerce
National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)
Newark Regional Business Partnership
New Jersey Association of Osteopathc Physicians and Surgeons
New Jersey Association of Mental Health & Addiction Agencies
New Jersey Bankers Association
New Jersey Builders Association
New Jersey Business & Industry Association
New Jersey Campground Owners and Outdoor Lodging Association
New Jersey Civil Justice Institute
New Jersey Coalition of Automotive Retailers
New Jersey Concrete and Aggregate Association
New Jersey Council of County Colleges
New Jersey Dental Association
New Jersey Gasoline-Convenience-Automotive Association
New Jersey Hotel and Lodging Industry Association
New Jersey Independent Electrical Contractors Association
New Jersey LGBT Chamber of Commerce
New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program, Inc.
New Jersey Motor Truck Association
New Jersey Pharmacists Association
New Jersey Podiatric Medical Society
New Jersey Realtors
New Jersey Restaurant & Hospitality Association
New Jersey Retail Merchants Association
New Jersey Salon and Spa Coalition
New Jersey Self Insurers Association
New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants
New Jersey State Funeral Directors Association
New Jersey State Veterans Chamber of Commerce
New Jersey Tourism & Industry Association
New Jersey Utilities Association
New Jersey Warehousemen & Movers Association
New York Shipping Association, Inc.
North Jersey Jewish Business Alliance
Ocean City Chamber of Commerce
Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber of Commerce
Professional Insurance Agents of New Jersey (PIANJ)
Recreational Fishing Alliance
Salem County Chamber of Commerce
Somerset County Business Partnership
Southern NJ Development Council
Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce
Sussex County Chamber of Commerce
The United Boatmen of N.J.
Union Township Chamber of Commerce
United Way of Northern New Jersey
Utility & Transportation Contractors Association

One thought on “NJ Business Coalition Urges Faster Reopening of Businesses

  1. No mention of Ridgewood or Bergen county on the list, not a single organization based north of the Meadowlands… Why was this published to the Ridgewood blog?

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