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NJ Business Owners Worried About Employees Reporting To Work High On Marijuana

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The state agency mandated to regulate the new recreational marijuana industry, which was launched six weeks ago in New Jersey, has yet to provide basic rules for identifying workers high on weed, according to a report on The lack of rules on how to deal with employees who test positive for traces of marijuana in their system is a cause of frustration for many business executives. State Senator Anthony Bucco said that cannabis is now legal for sale, so there’s a likelihood workers will report to the workplace impaired. The senator adds it can be dangerous in a manufacturing plant, hospital, construction site, or transport industry, where the slightest level of impairment could cause fatal accidents.

While employers who want to maintain drug-free and safe workplaces can use the services of drug recognition professionals to detect the signs of impairment among workers, there are no set standards for these experts. According to Bucco, employers are in a tough spot where they’re required to keep the workplace safe, but can’t remain compliant because of government inaction. Fortunately, employers can still keep workers safe by learning how to manage workplace safety successfully.

Create Workplace Safety Policy

Work-related injuries and illnesses have been on the rise in recent years. And the best way to enhance safety within the workplace is by enforcing strict safety rules on workers. Remember, employees are more likely to maintain safe working environments when they know the safety regulations and the penalties involved if they do not adhere. Ideally, your staff will feel motivated to follow safety rules to avoid being penalized.

To enforce safety regulations in the office, construction site, or manufacturing plant, consider creating a workplace health and safety policy. Make sure your policy defines what your employees should do and the consequences they will face if they don’t oblige. Having a clear health and safety policy improves business efficiency and reduces financial losses.

Provide Safety Training To Employees

Safety training is essential to preventing workplace accidents. Therefore, create a training program that will guide your employees on how to follow workplace safety procedures. This includes training employees on the proper use of personal protective equipment and how to operate different machines.

Keep in mind that failure to provide workers with the right protective gear can result in serious legal issues if a fatal accident occurs. According to advice shared by legal experts on, attorneys help hold individuals accountable for high stake cases like workplace injuries. They also ensure that the victims secure the compensation and justice they deserve. If you’re an employer, make it a point to invest in effective safety training programs and protective equipment to avoid lawsuits.

Inspect The Workplace Regularly

Regular inspections are vital to keeping the work environment safe. This will help you identify common hazards in the workplace like chemical spills, slip and falls, electrocution, and faulty machinery. As a general rule of thumb, have periodic inspections in the office, warehouse, and inspect equipment to determine potential problems and mitigate them before workplace injuries or even death occur.

Employers have a legal obligation to keep their employees healthy and safe by maintaining workplace safety. While keeping up with safety in the office or construction site can be challenging, there are a few things you can do to keep your workspace safe. This includes developing a health and safety policy, provide safety training to employees, and perform workplace inspections regularly.

4 thoughts on “NJ Business Owners Worried About Employees Reporting To Work High On Marijuana

  1. Should have thought about all the repercussions
    Before going for the cash grab.
    That’s all it’s all about …the cash.

  2. This is the inevitable result of legalizing what is a sensory-altering substance. Yes, some people go to work drunk, but we’ve created this narrative the marijuana is great and is the cure for everything.

  3. The ganga is a cure-all to proponents. It’s a cash cow for politicians. It’s another mind-numbing device for central planners keeping the middle-class dumb.

  4. walk around Manhattan, you smell it everywhere. I was walking behind a few constructing workers heading to work on a skyscraper and they were smoking pot at 7:30am

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