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NJ Transit Train Conductor Assaulted at Ridgewood Station

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photos courtesy of Boyd loving’s Facebook

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, one (1) adult male was apprehended by Ridgewood Police and subsequently taken into custody by NJ Transit Police in connection with an alleged Monday afternoon, 08/02, assault of an on duty, NJ Transit train conductor. The alleged assault took place on a Hoboken bound train, either at or near the Ridgewood station. Both the conductor and alleged assailant were injured. The conductor was transported by a Ridgewood EMS ambulance to The Valley Hospital. The alleged actor was treated at the scene before being placed in handcuffs, secured in the back seat of a NJ Transit marked patrol vehicle, and driven away from the train station for processing at an undisclosed location.

Please remember: any assault on NJ TRANSIT bus operators and train crews carries a prison term of up to 5 years and fines of up to $15,000 dollars. They are protected employees under the laws of the State of New Jersey.⁣⁣
The New Jersey Transit Police Department is committed to protecting NJ TRANSIT employees and customers and will seek to prosecute assailants to the fullest extent of the law.⁣⁣


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5 thoughts on “NJ Transit Train Conductor Assaulted at Ridgewood Station

  1. Looks like assailant was hurt as well. If he was hurt by a “protected” conductor, that’s a fight, not an assault?

  2. After they get out of prison that guy should never be allowed on NJ transit again. Don’t bend over for the soap

  3. It’s amazing how the world is changing isn’t it. If a New Jersey transit when are they going to fix the elevator at the Ridgewood train station.

  4. The elevator that doubles as a toilet?

  5. Dirty and stinky

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