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A quick review of the Ridgewood’s Parkmobile fiasco

park mobile

December 10,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, As previously reported by the staff of The Ridgewood Blog ; Earlier this year, the Village’s CFO, Robert G. Rooney, became aware that a portion of the Village’s Parking Utility revenues associated with use of the Parkmobile smart phone application at Village owned and operated parking facilities (said to be 21 cents of every 1 dollar), were being withheld from the Village by Parkmobile USA, Inc.

Upon further investigation, Mr. Rooney determined that a 2-year contract, with an option for a 2 year renewal, signed by former Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld entitled Parkmobile USA, Inc. to retain this revenue.  The total amount of Parking Utility revenue withheld from the Village by Parkmobile USA, Inc. since the contract’s inception is reported to be over $200K.

Following discussions with Mr. Rooney and Village Manager Heather Mailander, Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen requested a review of all Village Council meeting minutes and Village Council approved Resolutions associated with discussions and approval of the Village’s relationship with Parkmobile USA, Inc.

During the aforementioned review process, it was determined that at no time had a public discussion taken place concerning any monetary obligations on the Village’s part in connection with integration of Parkmobile USA, Inc.’s smart phone application into the Village’s Parking Utility system.

Furthermore, Resolution #15-52, approved unanimously by Village Council members on February 11, 2015 specifically states:  “. . . there is no additional service or contract fee for the Village of Ridgewood; and WHEREAS, Parkmobile USA , Inc. will provide this service at no cost to the Village of Ridgewood, and shall not charge the Village of Ridgewood any costs for the integration of its system(s) or for the management of the project and services;.”

At a public meeting of the Village Council held on Wednesday, December 6, 2017, Village Council members directed Village Manager Heather Mailander to formally notify Parkmobile USA, Inc. that the Village would not be renewing its contract with them.

The staff of The Ridgewood Blog will keep you informed of any further developments in this matter as related information is made public.