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Lights ,Camera ,Action for NJ film tax credit bill

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The New Jersey Business & Industry Association testified today in support of a bill that extends the film tax credit, while calling for the urgent need to re-authorize a comprehensive tax incentive program.

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There’s now footage of Google’s burrito-delivering drones in action

Google's burrito-delivering drones

hummm what could possibly wrong with that?
Rob Price

We’ve got our first good look at Google’s new burrito-delivering drones in action.

The Roanoke Times has got its hands on footage of some of the first public tests of Project Wing — a drone delivery project run by X (formerly Google X), an experimental lab owned by Google’s parent company Alphabet.

The drones are being tested in Virginia, on the Virginia Tech university campus. X has teamed up with Chipotle to deliver burritos. Previous reports say that X intends to use the drone to deliver burritos from a food truck to students, though The Roanoke Times’ footage appears to just show test flights for now, rather than genuine food deliveries. (But there was a food truck close by!)