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March 5,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, For those age 55+, let us help you redefine your free time and connect with just the right volunteer opportunity to match your skills, interests and availability. Please stop by our Volunteer Fair on Sunday, March 5 from 2-4pm in the Library’s Auditorium and meet representatives from many organizations. A great chance to sign up or explore some options. We hope to see you there. Sponsored by the Ridgewood Library and Age Friendly Ridgewood

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life insurance seniors
February 25,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, For those age 55+, let us help you redefine your free time and connect with just the right volunteer opportunity to match your skills, interests, and availability. Please stop by our Volunteer Fair on Sunday, March 5 from 2-4pm in the Library’s Auditorium and meet representatives from many organizations. A great chance to sign up or explore some options. We hope to see you there. Sponsored by the Ridgewood Library and Age Friendly Ridgewood.
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New Jersey Places 6th Worst State to Retire In


Janaury 24,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, With 31 percent of all nonretired adults having no retirement savings or pension because many simply cannot afford to contribute to any type of plan, the personal-finance website WalletHub conducted an in-depth analysis identifying 2017’s Best & Worst States to Retire.

Over the past year and a half, the group Age-Friendly Ridgewood has taken steps to learn what the village can do to better serve its oldest population. Those 65 and older make up 12.5 percent of the village’s population, according to the 2010 census.

To help retirees find a retirement- and wallet-friendly place to call home, WalletHub’s analysts compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across 31 key metrics. The data set ranges from “adjusted cost of living” to “weather” to “quality of public hospitals.”

Best States to Retire Worst States to Retire
1 Florida 42 Arkansas
2 Wyoming 43 Kentucky
3 South Dakota 44 Vermont
4 Iowa 45 New Mexico
5 Colorado 46 New Jersey
6 Idaho 47 Hawaii
7 South Carolina 48 Connecticut
8 Nevada 49 District of Columbia
9 Delaware 50 Alaska
10 Wisconsin 51 Rhode Island

Some of the finding included :

  • Mississippi has the lowest adjusted cost-of-living index for retirees, 85.6, which is 1.9 times lower than in Hawaii, where it is highest at 165.3.
  • Louisiana has the lowest annual cost of in-home services, $34,892, which is 1.8 times lower than in North Dakota, where it is highest at $63,972.
  • Alaska has the highest share of the population aged 65 and older working, 22.34 percent, which is 1.8 times higher than in West Virginia, where it is lowest at 12.32 percent.
  • Florida has the highest share of the population aged 65 and older, 18.6 percent, which is 2.1 times higher than in Alaska, where it is lowest at 9.0 percent.
  • Vermont has the lowest property-crime rate per 1,000 residents, 14.07, which is 3.3 times lower than in the District of Columbia, where it is highest at 46.76.

To view the full report your state or the District’s rank, please visit:

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Ridgewood age-friendly group seeks options for seniors


Mark Krulish , Staff Writer, @Mark_KrulishPublished 12:35 p.m. ET Jan. 20, 2017 | Updated 12:38 p.m. ET Jan. 20, 2017

In coming years, there will be a rapid growth in the population aged 65 and over as the Baby Boomer generation heads into retirement.

While the national trend may not reflect the reality of every single municipality in the country, a group of Ridgewood residents is looking to make a difference in its own community, to make the village a better place for residents to grow old.