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Get Ready for Fall Fun: Street Fairs and a Harvest Festival Coming to the Area


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, If you love crafts, music, and indulging in fair food, you’re in for a treat! Over the next two weekends, the local area will be buzzing with two street fairs and a harvest festival perfect for the whole family.

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Entertainment options for a lowkey weekend

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Weekends provide people with much-needed respite from modern life’s hectic pace, giving you time to rest, refresh, and rejuvenate. Homebodies may especially find solace in spending their weekend indoors enjoying various forms of entertainment without the hustle and bustle of going out. This blog post seeks to offer numerous ideas and activities to make a relaxing, yet enjoyable weekend spent indoors. Whether you’re looking to entertain yourself or spend quality time with loved ones, this guide has everything covered.

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What To Offer Friends Who Are Staying Over At A Sleepover?

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Hosting a sleepover for your friends can be an exciting and fun experience for everyone involved. It is a great way to create lasting memories with the people you care about, while also having a great time. When it comes to hosting sleepovers, there are many things that one might offer in order to make their friends feel welcome and comfortable. From food and drinks to activities, games, and more, there are plenty of ways to ensure that your guests have an enjoyable night filled with laughter and good times. In this article, we will discuss all of the different things one might be able to offer their friends who are coming over for a sleepover.

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The Ridgewood Craft & Art Street Fair


September 16,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Craft & Art Street Fair  will be tomorrow September 17,2017 from 12 PM – 5 PM along  East Ridgewood Ave. Ridgewood, N.J.

The fair features 175 exhibitors with arts, photography & crafts, a large food court, a kidz area with pony rides, a petting zoon & inflatables & all day music. Held rain or shine.