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Assemblyman Robert J. Auth: If you break down You Should be Able to a Hire The Tow Services of Your Choice

Multiple injuries reported in a two vehicle crash on the Garden State Parkway in Paramus

file photo by Boyd Loving

To the Editor,

When you purchase an automobile roadside assistance insurance policy you should have an expectation of being able to use it when needed for towing and repair. At first glance you’re probably thinking… “Those rotten insurance companies, they’re not paying again.” Not so fast! In New Jersey, the bureaucracy has created all sorts of regulations that subvert your best efforts of protecting your family. 

As recently as six months ago, I was driving my son’s car on the Palisades Parkway and I got a flat tire. Initially, I tried to change the tire on my own, unfortunately without success. My next course of action was to call my insurance company’s Roadside Assistance for help. I was relieved to have made contact with the customer service call center, but then a problem manifested itself: the operator asked me where I was located. “I’m on Exit 4 on the Palisades Parkway,” I replied. 

Continue reading Assemblyman Robert J. Auth: If you break down You Should be Able to a Hire The Tow Services of Your Choice
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Bergen County Native Among those Killed in the Lower Manhattan Terror Attack on Tuesday

Darren Drake

November 2,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

New Milford NJ, we are sorry to report that  Darren Drake, a New Milford native and former school board president, was among those killed in Tuesday’s terror attack in Lower Manhattan. Drake, 33, was a project manager at Moody’s Investors Service at Seven World Trade Center.

Assemblymen Bob Auth District 39 issued the following statement , “I am deeply saddened by the attack of our fellow neighbors in New York City yesterday afternoon. My prayers, and the prayers of my family, go out to the victims and their families. I am especially saddened to hear that New Milford council candidate, Darren Drake, was among those who succumbed to his injuries. He had been elected to the New Milford school board and eventually became president of body. He will be missed by many. ”

Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi District 39 said , “I just heard that one of those killed in yesterday’s terrorist attack was a Bergen County resident. I am someone who is a realist on immigration issues. I believe in a pathway to citizenship for people who have built their lives in the US while working, paying taxes and providing for their children. However, if we turn NJ into a Sanctuary State, game over. We are literally advertising to every single person who comes into the US illegally, to every person who has a nefari…ous purpose for being here, that we as a State will not only welcome them but we will provide them with driver’s licenses and benefits, we will refuse to cooperate with Homeland Security and ICE and we will HARBOR TERRORISTS. As a legislator representing Bergen and Passaic counties, counties that the terrorist directly impacted and lived in, I say NO. If you care about the future of this State you must vote against us being a Sanctuary State and you must vote for representatives who pledge to fight against it. Make you voices heard on November 7th.”