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DiGaetano defeats Yudin for Bergen County GOP Chairmanship

Paul DiGaetano

June 22,2016
the staff  of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ,  After what can be best described as a contentious, race between two local political allies-turned-rivals, Bergen county Republicans have chosen a new leader in former state Assemblyman Paul DiGaetano, who defeated controversial eight-year incumbent Chairman Bob Yudin in a party election held Tuesday.

The vote tally showed DiGaetano who was backed by the Ridgewood blog with and almost 2-1 margin of 539 votes and Yudin with 274.

DiGaetano has inherited a GOP in disarray and reeling from years of infighting . The Bergen GOP has suffered election loss after election loss and was once accused by the Ridgewood blog of losing on purpose . DiGaetano must now lead his embattled party in an effort to gain footing at the county level of politics after a steady decline in party power at that level in recent years.

While we have always liked Bob Yudin , the issues to the Ridgewood blog has been one of winning or in this case not wining .

The once sleepy chairmanship election ended a bitter race, which included allegations of ethnic slurs, a decade-old alleged death threat against a state senator and last-minute campaign literature, political endorsements and emails to party members urging support.

Bergen County Republican Organization Committee members cast their votes determining the outcome.

During Bob Yudin’s tenure as party chairman, BCRO members have watched the party go from having the county executive’s office, the sheriff’s office and a majority on the Board of Freeholders to now having only one incumbent Republican official running for office, Freeholder Maura DeNicola who was also endorsed by this blog.

With six county-level positions Sheriff, three freeholder seats, clerk and surrogate are all up for election on the ballot in November, the Republicans face the prospect of a shut out of county government or political Armageddon.

As repored on this blog a decade-old rumor surfaced when state Sen. Kevin O’Toole claimed that in 2005, when he was the Essex County Republican chairman, DiGaetano threatened his life after O’Toole refused to endorse DiGaetano’s bid for governor. We felt the allegations were fallacious given the source ,O’Tool is a known hot head and has been known to make threats himself.