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BergenPAC in Englewood Undergoes Major Renovation

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photo courtesy of Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Englewood NJ, taking advantage of County’s Aaa bond rating, BergenPAC utilized the Bergen County Improvement Authority to finance a significant portion of the project and refinance higher interest debt, to an estimated $824,000 in savings. This is  an example of a municipal/non-profit partner taking advantage of the County’s strong financial arm.

Continue reading BergenPAC in Englewood Undergoes Major Renovation

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Democrats Donors Get Paid When Bergen County Improvement Authority Borrows Money

BCIA Meeting

photo by Boyd Loving former Ridgewood Mayor and Village Manager at BCIA meeting

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ,  according to , when Bergen County borrows money to pay for public projects, Democratic donors get paid. ( )

Since 2015, when Democrats retook control of the county executive seat and the Freeholder Board, 18 firms have been paid more than $20,000 in fees from no-bid contracts when the Bergen County Improvement Authority has issued bonds, according to a review of BCIA records and campaign finance reports by Continue reading Democrats Donors Get Paid When Bergen County Improvement Authority Borrows Money

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Reject the lease/purchase agreement with the Bergen County Improvement Authority (BCIA) to fund the Hudson Street garage

garage new design

To the Editor,

I am writing to urge my friends and neighbors to let our council know we reject entering into a lease/purchase agreement with the Bergen County Improvement Authority (BCIA) to fund the Hudson Street garage.

Our referendum vote shows that the majority of Villagers support funding a garage on Hudson street. We enjoy a triple AAA rating, and do not need Bergen County for funding. The only reason to go to the BCIA is because our own Council can not agree on the design, and the Council majority believes they and only they know best.

If funding through Bergen County, the likely results will be a garage controlled by the county. All Bergen County residents, including out of town commuters, will have the same access and fee structure as Ridgewood residents. Ridgewood’s general parking fund, which has been used to absorb budgetary overages will no longer be allowed to do so, which most likely will impact our taxes.

We elect our Council with the expectation that they will work together to represent the best interests of our Village. I would like to think they wouldn’t make decisions for our Village that they wouldn’t make in their own personal lives. Yet they approved change orders and are pushing forward with a plan to have the BCIA fund the garage when the public and the Council haven’t received photo simulations, rough site plan with footprint, details of how on street parking will be impacted etc. Would you approve funds for work on your own home without knowing what it would look like? Would you build into the street and not let your neighbors know? if you did so would you expect them to be upset?

Council members Sedon and Knudsen have stated that they would support a garage that fits on the lot, fits within the streetscape, and when their is a clear financial plan in place. Councilwoman Knudsen has repeatedly said she would like to have photo simulations to bring to the church and neighbors for their input. Isn’t that what we would desire from our neighbors? Councilman Sedon has expressed interest in having the specific financial plan in place. Again, this is a very reasonable request. We know the garage is not self funding and meter rates will rise but it has not been determined how much and what the impact will be on local businesses. Would you be willing to pay $.75-$1.00 for a coffee in town or to mail a package or might you visit Glen Rock or Midland Park instead?

I believe when all these details are known, we can achieve a 5-0 vote in favor of a garage we can all be happy with. Please email your council and ask them to work together and say no to the BCIA.

Paul Aronsohn –
Albert Pucciarelli –
Gwenn Hauck –
Susan Knudsen –
Michael Sedon –

Thank you,

Carrie Giordano

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Petition to protest and repeal Ordinance 3519-An Ordinance authorizing the execution and granting of a lease purchase agreement with the Bergen County Improvement Authority

BCIA petition

This petition is to seek to protest and repeal Ordinance 3519-An Ordinance authorizing the execution and granting of a lease purchase agreement with the Bergen County Improvement Authority relating to issuance of County Guaranteed Lease Revenue Bonds for the Village of Ridgewood parking Deck Project (i.e. Hudson St garage).

You must be a registered voter residing in the Village of Ridgewood to sign the petition.

This has nothing to do with the design or scope of the parking garage-just to stop the funding of it with the BCIA, until Ordinance 3519 can be submitted to the electorate (Village of Ridgewood residents/registered voters) for a vote at next election as a referendum question.

If you have any Questions, please email
As of Monday Feb 15, the petitions will be available at following times/locations:

Lorraine Reynolds house, 550 Wyndemere Ave/come to door off John St., Monday, Feb 15th – 1pm-4pm.
Anne Loving, call cell 201-723-8017 to make appt to sign.
Melanie McWilliams – 431 Bogert Ave – Feb 15th-Feb19th (M-F) 9:15-12:15pm, call/text to confirm 201-675-8937

PLEASE EMAIL if you are a registered voter
and can help canvas neighborhoods this week when it’s not so cold out!!!

Please let us know if you want to be part of the petition to say No 2 BCIA,

Below are some reasons why people feel we should not have a lease/purchase agreement with the BCIA (Bergen County Improvement Authority):

1. The BCIA will cost us more than what it will cost us to bond through Ridgewood. Yes, the BCIA can get us a better interest rate by 0.03%- to 0.08% compared to what we get from a Ridgewood Issued bond, but that is so small and it eventually costs more to go with BCIA, because of their initiation fees, and annual fees as well as multiple lawyer fees. Here are the final costs -

2. The BCIA financial comparison from the above link, does not consider the fact that we will now have to charge out-of-town commuters the same price as Ridgewood commuters (a requirement by the BCIA to treat all county residents the same.). Suppose we issue 50 out-of-town commuter passes at $300 less than what we could have charged them, that’s $15,000 more per year for the next 25 years by going through the BCIA. Will non-resident commuters take many of the spaces, leaving few spaces for our own commuters?

3. Once we take money from the BCIA, it will be issued like a loan, not like a Home Equity Line of Credit. We cannot draw the funds when we need them, i.e. as the project goes along. We will have to start paying interest on ALL of the money from day 1, which is May 2016, and the garage will not be complete until Feb 2017. Once the BCIA bond is issued in May 2016, we won’t be able to pre-pay for 10 years. We are locked into the interest for 10 years, even if the design & scope changes to a smaller design and we need less funds.

4. The county will own the garage for next 25 years. They may add more conditions later, for now they have asked us to treat non Ridgewood commuters at the same price.

5.The lease agreement also mentions that the BCIA will build the garage and lease it to us. It’s not clear / not explained to us how much control they will keep during the ‘build’ phase.

6. Overall, all of the benefits explained to us for going through the BCIA route are financial. In the end, with all those benefits, if it still costs more, and if we don’t retain full control of the garage and the process, then why go through the county?

7. We can and should do this with a Ridgewood Issued bond. It is our fiscal and resident responsibility to make sure this bond is issued through Ridgewood and not the County.

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Bergen County to build or manage Hudson Street garage in Ridgewood ?

Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco

These 1/6/16 Village Council meeting agenda items were excerpted verbatim from the agenda posted on VOR’s website.


a. Parking

1. Ordinance t o Participate in Leasing Agreement with Bergen County Improvement Authority

2. Authorize Application to Local Finance Board – Hudson Street Deck

10. Motion to Suspend Work Session and Convene Special Public Meeting #2

11. Special Public Meeting #2 – See Attached Agenda”

It would appear as though the Council will introduce an ordinance(s) to form some sort of partnership with the Bergen County Improvement Authority re: proposed Hudson Street parking garage.

What now?

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Ridgewood, Bergen County moving on plans for parking garage


Ridgewood, Bergen County moving on plans for parking garage


RIDGEWOOD — Village and county officials have been meeting on a parking garage partnership since late 2013, and have agreed that a parking study should be conducted to determine just how big that garage should be.

The Bergen County Improvement Authority would commission the study, which would take a few months to complete, Mayor Paul Aronsohn said. The authority will meet in the next week or two to discuss the study.

The results of the study, which will determine the village’s overall parking needs, also will dictate how many spots the new garage facility will eventually have and what rates will be charged to customers.

“We’re all on the same page, and the county executive is also into the idea,” Aronsohn said, adding that the parking study will be “comprehensive,” with results reviewable sometime this summer.

The Bergen County Improvement Authority will cover most of the costs of the study, but the design of the garage will be mutually determined by both the village and the county, Aronsohn said.

– See more at: