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Real estate agent and Soap Star Terri Peck seeks Freeholder bid as BCRO Extends Filing Deadline for Candidates

Soap Star Terri Peck

Real estate agent and Soap Star Terri Peck seeks Freeholder bid as BCRO Extends Filing Deadline for Candidates

February 3,2016
staff of the Ridgewood blog
Hackensack Nj, Bergen County Republican Organization (BCRO) Chairman Bob Yudin has confirmed that the county organization has extended the filing deadline for candidates who wish to be considered by the county convention and run for Freeholder. The deadline normally, February 1 has been extended to midnight on March 1.The filing change will extend the deadline for all county open offices including freeholder, sheriff, county clerk and surrogate.

Yudin made the decision or some say was forced to make the decision to extend the deadline following a depressing few weeks for the County GOP. First there was last month’s high profile defection of  Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino switching parties to pursue reelection as a Democrat and then Freeholder John Felice announced that he would not be pursuing reelection.

According to the BCRO, seven Republican candidates have registered to run for freeholder so far including incumbent Maura DeNicola. Other freeholder candidates include former freeholder John Driscoll, former congressional/assembly candidate Dierdre Paul, Closter councilman Robert DiDio and real estate agent and Soap Star Terri Peck.

The BCRO convention will be on March 15. and will select two out of the remaining six candidates to join DeNicola on the ballot for Felice’s seat and to challenge Democrat Tom Sullivan.

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Bergen County Republican Chairman Bob Yudin ,” the blame for the Izod Center closure on “failed Democratic policies”



Yudin strikes back at Stellato over Izod Center closure vote

Bergen County Republican Chairman Bob Yudin ,” the blame for the Izod Center closure on  “failed Democratic policies”

After getting shellacked by Bergen County Democratic Chairman Lou Stellato for his January 15 vote to close the Izod Center at the Meadowlands Complex in his capacity as a board commissioner of the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority, Bergen County Republican Chairman Bob Yudin struck back at Stellato, laying the blame for the Izod Center closure on both circumstances and “failed Democratic policies.” (Bonamo/PolitickerNJ)

Yudin strikes back at Stellato over Izod Center closure vote | New Jersey News, Politics, Opinion, and Analysis