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CHESTNUT STREET Parking Lot Goes Parkmobile on May 11th


May 11,2015
Ridgewood NJ,  Starting May 11th the Multi-space meter in the Chestnut Street Parking Lot will be deactivated. The new method of payment for up to 3 hours of parking at .50 cents per hour will be by phone using the Parkmobile App. (.35 cent fee)

The display of the Ridgewood Parking Pass (RPP) will enable users to park from 6AM to 2AM without any further payment.

Parkmobile – Pay by Phone Option available in Ridgewood

It is not too early to install the Parkmobile App on your phone . Be ready to use this “pay by phone” technology to pay for parking in Ridgewood’s Lots. This system will go live May 11th.

Click Here for Press Release.

Questions: 201/670-5500 x200

Parkmobile has created a few videos to assist you with using our service. To view a short, instructional video, please visit:

iPhone Video-

Android Video –

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Chestnut Street Parking Lot Goes Parkmobile App


May 1,2015
Chestnut Street Parking Lot – Changes May 11th

Ridgewood NJ, Starting May 11th the Multi-space meter in the Chestnut Street Parking Lot will be deactivated. The new method of payment for up to 3 hours of parking at .50 cents per hour will be by phone using the Parkmobile App.

The display of the Ridgewood Parking Pass (RPP) will enable users to park from 6AM to 2AM without any further payment.

Parkmobile provides a new and better way to pay for parking using your cell phone. With Parkmobile’s mobile app, starting your parking transaction takes just a few seconds. If you’re driving a different car than the one you registered, you can quickly change the license number and activate your parking session. You can “opt-in” to receive one text message reminder 15 minutes prior to your parking expiring.

We provide secure online access to your parking data so you can track your parking expenses, change your account settings or print a report. You can also easily export information for expense reimbursements.

You’ll find Parkmobile in private and public parking lots, on city streets, at airports, stadiums and just about anywhere you park. Millions of people have signed up. Registering with us is free and you’re under no obligation to use Parkmobile. It takes less than two minutes to join.

Parkmobile takes the stress out of parking. No more searching for coins. No worries about a dysfunctional parking meter. We offer flexible solutions designed to make your day a little easier.

You can register multiple vehicles to one cell phone number and multiple cell phones may be registered to one vehicle. Find out more about Parkmobile by visiting our website.