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Earth to Bob: Obama has already failed!


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Earth to Bob: Obama has already failed!
December 11, 2014 1 Comment
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Everyone’s favorite Caribbean tourist Bob Menendez (D-Ecuador/Dominican Republic) sat down with Cory Booker (D-Twitter) and television’s Steve Adubato on Wednesday evening, Save Jerseyans, for an interview billed as focusing on issues facing the new Congress.

Booker did his Booker thing and spoke in vague generalities. Menendez chose to recycle rejected Democrat campaign themes from the 2014 election cycle. “Is there a universe of members in the Congress of the United States who would do anything to see the president not succeed? I do believe that,” Menendez told Adubato, answering his own question.

I’ve got news (?) for your Bob: Your president has already failed! In spectacular, awful, it’s going to take us decades to recover from his idiocy fashion! And I’m hardly alone in my assessment. Had he not failed in a strong majority of Americans’ estimation (e.g. destroyed our health care system, failed to jump-start a sluggish economy, left us weaker in international affairs), Harry Reid would still be Majority Leader come January, you’d still be Chairman of Foreign Relations, and the Republican Party wouldn’t be in its strongest electoral position since before the Great Depression.

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Something stinks in New Jersey: Cory Booker and ‘Watershed-gate’


Something stinks in New Jersey: Cory Booker and ‘Watershed-gate’

By Roger Stone

Published October 29, 2014

Not long ago, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker was, according to some Democrats and media talking heads, Obama 2.0. The tall, photogenic Booker was going to be our next African-American president, we were told.

Booker bounded to the U.S. Senate in a special election after Gov. Chris Christie declined to appoint a Republican who would run for the seat, a stunning act of bad faith that conservatives should not forget in 2016.

Booker is Senator for the Facebook age. The Rhodes Scholar and Yale law grad spends more time in Washington, New York and Hollywood than in gritty Newark.

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Cory Booker’s the favorite but Jeff Bell’s winning the battle of ideas


Cory Booker’s the favorite but Jeff Bell’s winning the battle of ideas
By Paul Mulshine | The Star Ledger
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on November 02, 2014 at 8:00 AM, updated November 02, 2014 at 10:58 AM

New Jersey is in court trying to convince a federal judge to permit betting on athletic events.

That would be fun. But it would be even more fun if we could do what the Aussies and the Brits do – bet on elections.

In that case the bookies would have to call on some savvy insider to set the line on a race like Tuesday’s U.S. Senate matchup between the heavy favorite, incumbent Democrat Cory Booker, and Republican challenger Jeff Bell.

The savvy insider I called was Pat Murray of the Monmouth University Poll.

“I would think 14 is probably pretty good for the over and under,” Murray said.

Me, too. The smart money says the former Newark mayor is likely to ring up a double-digit win over the former Reagan-era Republican policy wonk.

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WPVI Preventing Voters from Watching Bell vs. Booker Debate


WPVI covering for Cory Booker?

WPVI Preventing Voters from Watching Bell vs. Booker Debate

October 31, 2014

New Jersey Republican U.S. Senate nominee Jeff Bell on Friday issued a response to WPVI’s decision to remove the 2014 U.S. Senate debate from further viewing.

Bell said:

“On Wednesday, WPVI (Philadelphia’s ABC affiliate Channel 6) ordered C-Span to remove New Jersey’s only 2014 U. S. Senate debate from the C-Span website. Since Channel 6 is not offering the debate for viewing on its own website, this means that the only debate between Senator Cory Booker and me is no longer available online to the voters who will decide this election next Tuesday. This is a decision by a major news organization to suppress a program that the very same news organization, itself the main media sponsor of the debate, has described as an essential service to the public.

“I commend C-Span for televising the debate five times in the last four days, and regret the decision of the debate’s producer, Channel 6, to deny a similar opportunity to its own viewers and to the voters of our state.”

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Bad timing: Cory Booker contends with subpoena, bad press ahead of Senate election


file photo Boyd Loving

Bad timing: Cory Booker contends with subpoena, bad press ahead of Senate election


New Jersey’s junior Senator and the former Democratic mayor of Newark, Cory Booker, will ask the state’s voters to send him back to the Senate next Tuesday to serve a full term. Booker was elected last year to fill the seat vacated by the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), and his aim was to keep his head down and make no waves as a new member of that august body.

Booker’s efforts to avoid being defined as a partisan political actor have not gone unnoticed, and the Garden State golden boy – the subject of glowing profiles in the press and documentaries which portrayed his tenure in Newark as nothing short of transformative and heroic — suffered something last week with which he is largely unfamiliar: negative press.

In a rather scathing post by The Daily Beast’s Olivia Nuzzi published last week noted that Booker has done little to demonstrate that he is anything other than a “congressional seat-warmer.” She added that Booker has benefited by the fact that the New Jersey GOP has been only able to recruit unknown candidates like former presidential speechwriter Jeff Bell or gaffe-prone figures like former Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan to challenge the junior senator.

Nuzzi noted, however, that it is becoming increasingly clear that New Jersey’s newest senator is not as squeaky clean as he is portrayed by his admirers in the nation’s newsrooms.

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The Daily Beast’s Hit Piece on Cory Booker Sure is Weak


The Daily Beast’s Hit Piece on Cory Booker Sure is Weak

October 25, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield 0 Comments

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.

Cory Booker has often been accused of putting style over substance. The same is true of Olivia Nuzzi’s hit piece on him for The Daily Beast which is a fun read, but in substance comes down to nothing.

Once you get all her sneers and put downs out of the way, here’s the sum total of her actual indictment of Booker.

But a state audit by the comptroller’s office found that the agency’s director, Linda Watkins-Brashear, was a donor and close ally of Booker’s, was using the Watershed like her own personal bank account—paying herself $1.98 million over seven years, when her salary came to just $1.16 million. The also doled out millions in no-bid contracts to her friends and husband. Further, Booker’s former law partner, Elnardo Webster, had been acting as the Watershed’s counsel—and his firm had profited $212,318. “He had nothing to do with the business the firm conducted with the Watershed,” Booker’s spokeswoman, Silvia Alvarez, told me.

…Which is not to say that blame for the corruption should be placed solely at Booker’s feet—but the the comptroller’s office noted in their report that the mayor did not attend a single meeting regarding the agency. He instead sent a business administrator in his place, and then when the administrator resigned, in 2010, Booker never replaced them. He had no time to go to the meetings, he said. Never mind that a dearth of free time never seemed to get in the way of a commencement address, or a talk-show appearance, or a social-media stunt.

That’s the best that Nuzzi has and it’s not remotely news. But Nuzzi, who appears to have done little for this piece except pile of sneers, manages to take a shot at Charles C. Johnson who actually did investigate Booker.

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Reader says Booker is running purely on celebrity because he has little else positive to show for his time in office.


Reader says Booker is running purely on celebrity because he has little else positive to show for his time in office.

Instead of seizing the bully pulpit (pun intended) and appoint a member of his own party as a replacement senator for the unexpired Lautenberg term (as any noble Democrat would have done), Christie swallows the poison pill and calls for the special election. He knew Booker would take the bait and Christie would be insulated from a moderate Democrat with a high name recognition value. Booker is running purely on celebrity because he has little else positive to show for his time in office. There is a reason NJ is the punchline for so many jokes (and setting for HBO series shows on corruption) – it’s the politics.

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The ugly truth about Cory Booker, New Jersey’s golden boy


The ugly truth about Cory Booker, New Jersey’s golden boy

It’s eight o’clock on a Sunday night in Jersey City, and for the first time this October it’s cold enough to see your breath in front of you with a deep exhale of the Hudson River air. It’s curious, given that, to see a group of a few dozen residents and visitors from neighboring towns assembled in a parking lot next to the train station—while the New York Giants are playing, no less. The workout-gear-clad mayor, Steven Fulop, is hopping up and down with his arms crossed over his chest for warmth, asking me when I think “he” will arrive. (Nuzzi/The Daily Beast)

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NJ Governor Christie joins Jeff Bell on the Campaign trail

NJ Governor Christie joins Jeff Bell on the Campaign trail
October 20,2014
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Morristown NJ, Governor Christie joined Jeff Bell on the Campaign trail today at the Morristown Diner .Governor Chris Christie joined  Jeff Bell for a meet and greet and a speech to voters  in Morris County  this morning. .

The Governor has hosted two fundraiser for Bell and said that he plans on joining Bell along the campaign trail.

Today’s event marked the first time Bell and Christie have campaigned together, apart from fundraisers.

Jeff was treated like a rock star by the enthusiastic crowd  , even taking time out to sign autographs .

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The administration’s Ebola evasions reveal its disdain for the American people.


Who Do They Think We Are?

The administration’s Ebola evasions reveal its disdain for the American people.

The administration’s handling of the Ebola crisis continues to be marked by double talk, runaround and gobbledygook. And its logic is worse than its language. In many of its actions, especially its public pronouncements, the government is functioning not as a soother of public anxiety but the cause of it.

An example this week came in the dialogue between Megyn Kelly of Fox News and Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control.

Their conversation focused largely on the government’s refusal to stop travel into the United States by citizens of plague nations. “Why not put a travel ban in place,” Ms. Kelly asked, while we shore up the U.S. public-health system?

Dr. Frieden replied that we now have screening at airports, and “we’ve already recommended that all nonessential travel to these countries be stopped for Americans.” He added: “We’re always looking at ways that we can better protect Americans.”

“But this is one,” Ms. Kelly responded.

Dr. Frieden implied a travel ban would be harmful: “If we do things that are going to make it harder to stop the epidemic there, it’s going to spread to other parts of—”

Ms. Kelly interjected, asking how keeping citizens from the affected regions out of America would make it harder to stop Ebola in Africa.

“Because you can’t get people in and out.”

“Why can’t we have charter flights?”

“You know, charter flights don’t do the same thing commercial airliners do.”

“What do you mean? They fly in and fly out.”

Dr. Frieden replied that limiting travel between African nations would slow relief efforts. “If we isolate these countries, what’s not going to happen is disease staying there. It’s going to spread more all over Africa and we’ll be at higher risk.”

Later in the interview, Ms. Kelly noted that we still have airplanes coming into the U.S. from Liberia, with passengers expected to self-report Ebola exposure.

Dr. Frieden responded: “Ultimately the only way—and you may not like this—but the only way we will get our risk to zero here is to stop the outbreak in Africa.”

Ms. Kelly said yes, that’s why we’re sending troops. But why can’t we do that and have a travel ban?

“If it spreads more in Africa, it’s going to be more of a risk to us here. Our only goal is protecting Americans—that’s our mission. We do that by protecting people here and by stopping threats abroad. That protects Americans.”

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Reader says Booker turned out to be an enormous disappointment


Reader says Booker turned out to be an enormous disappointment

Booker turned out to be an enormous disappointment. He signaled an end to the third-world politics of Newark’s Sharpe James. He’s now moved on to bigger things having left behind a city that has worse stats than the ones he railed against in his campaign against James. The man has accomplished absolutely NOTHING, but in this bizarre alternate universe we now live in called image politics, he’s being touted as a future President. After all, why not? The current President’s accomplishments were equally as empty and the media all but refused to do their required due diligence.

Cory Booker has an unusual personality, self-confidence, is hard to throw off his game, the camera just plain likes him, and the vast bulk of the major media reliably purrs like a kitten when he glances in its direction. Other than that we’re talking about a true cipher. An astonishing absence of true accomplishment, or deep or long-lasting relationships with ‘real people’ who are relatable and reliable and are willing to personally vouch for him. He has a shocking willingness to make up and perpetuate blatant myths and other tall tales and vignettes designed to rev up the warm and fuzzy factor in otherwise inattentive voters. He also seems to be riding somewhat of a wave of quasi-approval or anything-goes type of public attitude regarding non-traditional lifestyles, one or more of which he may or may not be leading on any given day, depending on what insinuation his PR people may believe is most politically advantageous for him. The Senator is a witches’ brew of quirks and strange traits that nobody can seem to quite pin down, figure out, or persuade enough additional people to believe or even think clearly about, at least not in time to make him pay at the ballot box.

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Feds probe Watershed Authority actions under Cory Booker


Feds probe Watershed Authority actions under Cory Booker

Federal prosecutors have launched a probe into the Newark Watershed Authority for actions it took while chaired by the city’s then-mayor Cory Booker, sources said.

The inquiry centers on alleged misappropriation of taxpayer funds first uncovered by the New Jersey Comptroller’s Office and a local watchdog group.

While Booker — who is now a US senator — served as the agency’s ex-officio chairman between 2007 and 2012, his former law firm, Trenk, DiPasquale, Webster, raked in $1 million in legal fees. Elnardo Webster, Booker’s 2006 campaign treasurer, served as the authority’s general counsel.

The Post previously reported that the law firm paid Booker $700,000 — even after he became mayor. Booker claims the payments were part of a “separation agreement” for work done before he was elected.

Booker’s campaign spokeswoman said he “had nothing to do with the business the firm conducted with the Watershed, nor did he have a hand in their getting a contract there.”

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“And Thine Eye Shall Not Pity”


Here are some powerful words from Cheryl Bass, who wrote to the New Jersey Jewish News:

“And Thine Eye Shall Not Pity”

It is time for the Jewish people to take a close look at Senator Cory Booker and realize that the upcoming election affords us an opportunity to end his political reign in office. He is looking to put through legislation called REDEEM – Record Expungement Designed to Enhance Employment.

Those who have been convicted of non-violent crimes would get a “second chance”; another program to come down the pike right behind other failed programs also espousing “second chances”. They are not second chances when they become multiple chances.

Opportunity has been given through many programs at great expense; and the results are abysmal.

The United States is only 5% of the world population, but we have 25% of the world’s prison population. The percentages work out that way because of the many criminals. Maybe the criminals should stop committing crimes.

What Cory Booker is looking to do with this REDEEM ACT is:
1) change criminal responsibility to 18 years of age
2) expunge or seal records of juveniles of non-violent crimes before they turn 15
3) place limits on solitary confinements of juveniles
4) petition court to seal criminal records. Sealing records keep them out of FBI background checks requested by employers.

Enough already. Cory Booker was Mayor of Newark for many years. He was re-elected to that position. Opportunity was his to bring down unemployment (unemployment is higher than ever), reduce the crime rate of Newark (double the national average), improve the educational system (whatever became of the millions from Facebook), and in general improve the entire city of Newark (population has left the city and blighted areas from the 1967 riots remain).

Booker has even looked to get bi-partisan support from Rand Paul of Kentucky. Kentucky has half the population of New Jersey; the crime rate is below the national average. Kentucky’s capital is Frankfort with a population of 25,527; Newark’s population is 10 times that at 277,140. With all due respect Senator Rand Paul (R- KY), find another issue to attach your name to.

Last month, in the Parsha, Shoftim we read, “…And Thine Eye Shall Not Pity”: if you keep excusing crimes and letting the criminals be exonerated for those crimes, then those criminals and others who closely are watching are only encouraged to commit bigger crimes.

As Jewish people we cannot condone, we cannot excuse, we cannot overlook.

Do not encourage criminals to commit worse.

Do not vote for Cory Booker. Cast your vote for his opponent, Jeff Bell.

Cheryl Bass,
Spotswood, NJ

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A Bell-ringer in New Jersey


A Bell-ringer in New Jersey
By George F. Will

Every 36 years, it seems, Jeff Bell disturbs New Jersey’s political order. In 1978, as a 34-year-old apostle of supply-side economics and a harbinger of the Reagan Revolution, he stunned the keepers of the conventional wisdom by defeating a four-term senator, Clifford Case, in the Republican primary. Bell, a Columbia University graduate who fought in Vietnam, lost to Bill Bradley in the 1978 general election, but in 1982 he went to Washington to help implement President Reagan’s economic policies that produced five quarters of above 7 percent growth and six years averaging 4.6 percent.

Bell, now 70, is back. He won the Republican nomination to run against Sen. Cory Booker, 45, the Democratic former mayor of Newark who last October won a special election to serve the last year of the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg’s term.

New Jersey last voted Republican for president in 1988; in 2012, Barack Obama carried it by 18 points; it has not elected a Republican senator since 1972. Booker, who has raised more than $16 million, is a prodigy at siphoning money from Wall Street. Bell is running this year’s most penurious Senate campaign, having raised and pretty much spent about $300,000. And this is an expensive state: To reach New Jersey voters, candidates for statewide offices must buy New York and Philadelphia radio and television time, which Bell cannot do.

Yet Booker’s lead is only in the low double digits — 13 points in theRealClearPolitics average of polls. In eight Senate races (Delaware, Hawaii,New Mexico, Oregon, Illinois, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Virginia), Republicans are less competitive than Bell is. If Republican groups had given Bell the money they spent dragging Sen. Thad Cochran to re-nomination in Mississippi, Bell might be hot on Booker’s heels. He could still get there with a modest infusion of campaign contributions: Several polls have shown Booker’s support below 50 percent.

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Jeff Bell Says Booker looks to the same people who got us into the financial catastrophe of 2008 for economic advise


Jeff Bell Says Booker looks to the same people who got us into the financial catastrophe of 2008 for economic advise 

But Do you really trust these “experts” to run the economy?

Ridgewood NJ, Cory Booker does. He thinks we should listen to them – the people that got us into the financial catastrophe of 2008 – about how to get people back to work. He invokes expert opinion against my monetary policy planas his reason for opposing it. He’s a U.S. Senator and he can’t even come up with his own reasons.  
This time Cory Booker picked the wrong guy to use this tactic against. Bell has plenty of experience taking on the experts in their own backyard. 

Here’s what economist John Mueller told the Associated Press the other day:

“It wouldn’t be the first time that the majority of Ph.D. economists were on one side and Jeff was on the other and he turned out to be right.”

When Jeff tried to persuade the Republican establishment to embrace lower taxes, the experts said it was a foolish idea. By 1986 we passed a tax reform bill that took the top rate down from 50 to 28 percent – with even Ted Kennedy voting for it.
In the eighties and nineties the economy took off with the end of high taxes and inflation. Expert opinion tends to stagnate over time and every so often voters need to show the experts they’re wrong. I think we’re in one of those times again, especially when it comes to our money.

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