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Earth to Bob: Obama has already failed!
December 11, 2014 1 Comment
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Everyone’s favorite Caribbean tourist Bob Menendez (D-Ecuador/Dominican Republic) sat down with Cory Booker (D-Twitter) and television’s Steve Adubato on Wednesday evening, Save Jerseyans, for an interview billed as focusing on issues facing the new Congress.
Booker did his Booker thing and spoke in vague generalities. Menendez chose to recycle rejected Democrat campaign themes from the 2014 election cycle. “Is there a universe of members in the Congress of the United States who would do anything to see the president not succeed? I do believe that,” Menendez told Adubato, answering his own question.
I’ve got news (?) for your Bob: Your president has already failed! In spectacular, awful, it’s going to take us decades to recover from his idiocy fashion! And I’m hardly alone in my assessment. Had he not failed in a strong majority of Americans’ estimation (e.g. destroyed our health care system, failed to jump-start a sluggish economy, left us weaker in international affairs), Harry Reid would still be Majority Leader come January, you’d still be Chairman of Foreign Relations, and the Republican Party wouldn’t be in its strongest electoral position since before the Great Depression.