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Cory Booker can be beaten


In the March Monmouth/APP poll, 55% of NJ voters said Booker deserves to be reelected.  Today, only 44% say the former Newark Mayor deserves his own six year term in Washington. 

Cory Booker can be beaten

Senator Cory Booker’s support for reelection took a sharp drop since March, according to a Monmouth University/Asbury Park Press pollreleased this morning.

In the March Monmouth/APP poll, 55% of NJ voters said Booker deserves to be reelected.  Today, only 44% say the former Newark Mayor deserves his own six year term in Washington. Booker was elected last October to fill the remainder of the late Senator Frank Lautenberg’s term.  He faces off with Republican Jeff Bell in November.

Booker would beat Bell easily if the election where today, 43%-23%, but 15% say they would vote for a third party candidate and 17% are unsure. But the vast majority of voters, 82%, don’t know enough about Bell for express a favorable or unfavorable opinion of him.  The GOP nominee for U.S. Senate against Bill Bradley in 1978, Bell scored a surprise victory in the GOP primary for Senate last month. Of those who do know enough about Bell to express an opinion, the overwhelming impression, 2-1, is favorable.

Perhaps the worst indicator of support for Booker is his favorability rating.  While net positive by a significant 43%-14% margin, 43% said they have no opinion of Booker. That is a stunningly high number for a man who was elected to the U.S. Senate last fall, served as mayor of New Jersey’s largest city for over seven years, has over 1 million twitter followers and who has spent over $12 million on his reelection effort since the first of the year.

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“Cory Booker’s scary big lead”


Cory Booker

New York Post Editorial Page

Below is an editorial in today’s New York Post, accessible here. 

“Cory Booker’s scary big lead”

Normally, Cory Booker would be feeling pretty confident, given his 20-point lead over GOP challenger Jeffrey Bell.

But a closer look at the latest poll numbers suggests Booker may have a rougher ride to re-election than anyone anticipated.

That’s because the New Jersey senator’s support clocks in at just 43 percent. The same poll, by the Monmouth University-Asbury Park Press, has more than a third of voters saying it’s time for a change, though Booker’s been in office only eight months.

Fully 15 percent — including one in eight Democrats — say they would vote for a third-party candidate. This, even though the same voters generally approve of Booker’s job performance. In other words, his support remains strikingly soft.

Some of this, no doubt, reflects the general defensiveness of Democratic senators up for re-election this year. But some also suggests voters have concluded Booker’s been more hype than substance. Newark, for example, just elected one of his harshest critics to succeed him as mayor.

Granted, challenger Jeff Bell, a Reagan speechwriter-turned-tax-reform-activist, last ran for office in 1982. On top of this, statewide Republican candidates — particularly conservatives — historically have faced an uphill climb in Jersey.

But another conservative, Steve Lonegan, lost to Booker last fall by just 11 percentage points, a much closer margin than people expected. And that was without any help from the Republican National Committee.

If Bell can make his case for the middle class — and get the financial support he needs from the national party — he may make this race competitive yet.

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Bell, Booker and Candle


Bell, Booker and Candle
By Post Editorial Board
June 22, 2014 | 7:55pm

Sen. Cory Booker has everything going for him in his re-election race against former Reagan speechwriter Jeff Bell.

Booker has a war chest of $2.9 million, against a mere $76,000 for Bell. Booker is a Democratic incumbent running in a mostly blue state where Democratic voters outnumber Republicans by 700,000. And according to a recent Rassmussen poll, 39 percent of New Jerseyans don’t even know who the heck Jeff Bell is.

All Bell has going for him is his conviction, which is that government is making it harder for working people to support their families.

In short, he’s a free-market, traditional values, pro-immigration conservative who thinks its high time someone took this message to the people of New Jersey.

So here’s the question: Despite all Booker’s advantages, why does the latest poll show his support at under 50 percent?

Rassmussen’s recent survey of likely voters puts Booker’s support at 48 percent, against 35 percent for Bell. That’s a 13 percentage-point difference, which is the same percentage who say they are undecided.

Bell, of course, remains a long shot in a state that hasn’t elected a Republican to the US Senate since 1972. Ironically, the Republican who won that seat was Clifford Case, the man Bell beat in the Republican primary back in 1978 — only to lose to Democrat Bill Bradley in the general election.

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So Who is Jeff Bell


So Who is Jeff Bell

Jeff Bell has worked at the highest levels of American politics and public policy for over forty years. In 1978, at age 34, he became the New Jersey Republican Party nominee for U.S. Senate when he defeated four-term incumbent Clifford Case. As the first major candidate to win on the theme of tax cuts, he produced television ads for Ronald Reagan’s 1980 presidential campaign using the same message. He later worked as an advocate for the bipartisan Tax Reform Act of 1986 with Jack Kemp and Bill Bradley, the man who defeated him in the 1978 general election.

A graduate of Columbia University, Jeff went on to serve in the U.S. Army in Vietnam, where he was an intelligence advisor to the South Vietnamese infantry during the Tet offensive. Upon returning home, he joined the national presidential campaign staff of Richard Nixon in 1968 and later went to work for Ronald Reagan in 1974. He developed Governor Reagan’s first proposals for federal tax and spending reduction when Reagan ran for president in 1976. During the 1980 campaign, Jeff was elected from New Jersey as a Reagan delegate to the Republican national convention.

From 1988-2000, Jeff served as president of Lehrman Bell Mueller Cannon Inc., an economic forecasting and consulting firm. From 2000-2010, he was a principal of Capital City Partners, where he worked on promoting comprehensive immigration reform, the Bush Administration’s faith-based initiatives, and combating human trafficking, among other issues. In 2009, he was among the co-founders of the American Principles Project, a public policy organization dedicated to advancing conservative ideas derived from the principles of the American founding. As Policy Director, he headed its monetary reform initiative aimed at renewing sound money by restoring the dollar’s value in gold. He resigned from that position in February 2014 to run for U.S. Senate.

Jeff is the author of two books, The Case for Polarized Politics: Why America Needs Social Conservatism (2012), for which he was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal and Rush Limbaugh, and Populism and Elitism: Politics in the Age of Equality (1992). His articles have been published in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Weekly Standard, National Review, and various other outlets. He has served as a fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy Institute of Politics, visiting professor at the Eagleton Institute at Rutgers University, the DeWitt Wallace Fellow in Communications at the American Enterprise Institute, and as a board member of the American Conservative Union and Campaign Finance Institute. From 1978 to 1980, he served as the president of the Manhattan Institute.

Jeff and his wife Rosalie have been married since 1983 and have three sons and one daughter ranging in ages from 19 to 28 as well as a one-year-old granddaughter.

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Where’s Cory: Zuckerberg’s bad investment in Newark schools


Where’s Cory: Zuckerberg’s bad investment in Newark schools

JUNE 5, 2014    LAST UPDATED: THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014, 1:21 AM

SAMUEL JOHNSON called second marriages the triumph of hope over experience. When an Internet billionaire announces a plan to give away an additional $100 million to a second public school district after the first fritters it away without any results, I’d say it’s more like the triumph of delusion over the dead certainty that teachers’ unions and educational bureaucrats are a bottomless pit of greed.

Last week’s announcement that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, are donating $120 million to poor school districts in the San Francisco Bay Area coincidentally came a day or two after the publication of a long and horrifying piece in The New Yorker about what happened to their first attempt to wash away public education’s problems with a flood of cash.

Four years ago, Zuckerberg and his wife, convinced that the trouble with public education was that society doesn’t value it enough, put their money where their liberal ideals were, donated $100 million (a sum quickly matched by other philanthropists) to the Newark school district.

The result might be titled No Consultant, Bureaucrat or Union Goon Left Behind. Consultants took $20 million right off the top, routinely charging $1,000 a day for services like public relations, human resources and other stuff that’s been around since the beginning of corporate time but that apparently had to be reinvented for Newark.

Fifty new principals were hired in a district that already had a ratio of one administrator for every six students, double the state average. (Nearly a third of Newark’s educational bureaucrats were clerks, four times the rate of other New Jersey districts. “Even some clerks had clerks,” The New Yorker noted in awe.)

Meanwhile, the principals already onboard fought like demons to keep the district from closing their failing schools, even as students streamed out to enroll in new charter schools set up with Zuckerberg’s money.

– See more at:

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Senate Candidates Spar in Wyckoff

Senate Candidates Spar in Wyckoff
May 27th 2014
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff  NJ, Jeff Bell , Brian Goldberg , Murray Sabrin  Candidates for Senate ,looking to unseat Cory Booker  spoke at the Larkin House in Wyckoff last night hosted by the West Bergen Tea Party.


Jeff Bell focused on Restoring Middle Class Prosperity , saying there was now NO Future for our grandchildren.

America was founded on the idea that hard work gets you ahead. But that social contract has withered away owing to dysfunctional government policy that favors the wealthy while necessitating huge budget deficits to provide a safety net large enough to support those left behind. Despite advances in technology that have improved the standard of living, it has become harder for working people to support a family and for young people to establish a career. The next U.S. Senator from New Jersey must be a tireless advocate for solutions that restore the middle-class prosperity that was once a hallmark of this nation.

The most important hindrance to middle-class prosperity is the condition of the U.S. dollar. Since 1994 it has lost over one-third of its value, and lost 10 percent in the last five years alone since the Federal Reserve began its “Quantitative Easing” program of creating new dollars. The effect of rising prices is felt everywhere: at the grocery store, the gas pump, in medical costs, and school tuition.

Instead of serving the people, our money serves the federal government, whose trillion-dollar borrowing is the main cause of the Fed’s money creation. To restore the money supply in the hands of the people, we need a dollar whose value is backed by gold. Read my specific plan to do that. The gold standard, which stabilized the dollar under various iterations through most of U.S. history, is the proven way to encourage stable long-term prices and preserve limited government. This is why the Constitution in Article I, Section 10 directs Congress to “coin money” and “regulate the value thereof.”

While Washington has gotten free financing from the Fed, families planning for college, retirees living on a fixed income, and everyone else hoping to earn a decent return on their savings rather than speculating in the markets have fallen behind. It is a travesty that our monetary policy has deprived seniors, parents, and savers in billions of income so Congress can rack up more debt.

This is the direct result of the Fed’s policy of near zero interest rates, now in its sixth year. The suppression of interest rates below the market level has also broken down the traditional banking system, in which small businesses borrow from their local banks. The total value of all small bank business loans is approximately half of what it was when “zero interest rates” was adopted. Now, neighborhood standbys like hair salons and restaurants are forced to seek alternative forms of credit like cash advance loans that often come with 50 percent effective interest rates.


Brian Goldberg focused on his electability saying  his “positive message” and business experience could lead him to defeat Booker. He questioned whether Booker, who once lived by choice in a Newark housing project, can relate to the average Garden State resident.

Promoting the concept of Empowerment, not Entitlement, Mr. Goldberg brings a positive message to the race.

Goldberg said as a businessman,he has practical experience in the areas that matter most to NJ voters.He’ll combine that experience with his business experience to seek Win-Win solutions to the nation’s biggest challenges, providing NJ with a new voice in Washington.

Murray Sabrin focused on his back ground and how he arrived in America with his parents and older brother on August 6, 1949. His parents were the only members of their respective families to survive the Holocaust.

Rather than submit to the authoritarian regime of National Socialism, Murray’s father led a group of 241-armed partisans in Poland, and included the famed postwar Nazi hunter and writer Abba Kovner. The tragedy and triumph of Murray’s family has taught him to revere human life and hold dear those freedoms in our Bill of Rights — especially the right of citizens to protect themselves under the Second Amendment.


Murray Sabrin became a U.S. citizen in 1959 at age 12, and graduated from the Bronx High School of Science in 1964. He has a Ph.D. in economic geography from Rutgers University, an M.A. in social studies education from Lehman College and a B.A. in history, geography and social studies education from Hunter College.

His personal experience allowed him to see the dangers of big government  and make him what he called himself New Jersey’s foremost defender of economic freedom and individual liberty. For three decades he has been fighting to end harmful government intrusion into our lives. 

Like the other two he focused on how the U.S. economy is experiencing the worst recovery since the end of World War II.  Despite trillion dollar budget deficits under President Obama and the Federal Reserve’s unconscionable money printing known as Quantitative Easing, which has dropped interest rates on savings accounts to virtually 0%, America’s real unemployment rate is more than 20%, according to some economists.  In other words, the federal government’s fiscal and monetary policies have not “stimulated” the economy.

America’s free enterprise system has been replaced by crony capitalism–bailouts of Wall Street and politically connected firms, and subsidies to inefficient businesses. We need to return to a free market economy across the board so we can enjoy the fruits of a prosperity based on real savings and investments.

He then spoke on NSA spying ,and IRS Targeting and the growing threats to our Constitutional rights Saying the real threat to our rights is from the Obama administration, and he will work tirelessly in the United States Senate to repeal every law that infringes on the American people’s constitutional rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

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Booker preparing for fight to keep his Senate seat



file photo by Boyd Loving

Booker preparing for fight to keep his Senate seat

MAY 25, 2014, 10:45 PM    LAST UPDATED: SUNDAY, MAY 25, 2014, 10:46 PM

Maybe it’s the positive thoughts he pushes out at least daily on Facebook and Twitter, but Sen. Cory Booker says he’s more optimistic about finding bipartisan solutions in Washington than he was when he arrived seven months ago.

“I came down here with low expectations and my experience is better and better and better,” Booker said in an interview last week, ticking off bipartisan bills to expand apprenticeships and study year-round schools, and touting his solo plan that could lead to other states’ contributing toward future New Jersey highway projects.

But while Booker’s enthusiasm grew for his new job, the rock-star image he built in his previous job as the mayor who turned Newark around is taking a hit.

This month’s intensely competitive campaign to choose his replacement as Newark mayor highlighted a $30 million shortfall in the city budget Booker left. The winner of that campaign, Ras Baraka, was a city councilman and public school principal who frequently criticized the Booker school reform plan that attracted a $100 million donation from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, but produced questionable results.

Booker also touted his ability to bring down crime in the city, and in 2008, the city murder rate had dropped to 67. But budget cuts after that then reduced the size of the police force to 1,038 from 1,317 last year. And there were 111 murders last year, the most in 23 years.

The state comptroller also issued a damning report in March saying that the city government was inattentive to corruption and patronage at the independent Newark Watershed Conservation and Development Corp., which had managed the city’s water delivery and reservoirs in Morris, Passaic and Sussex counties.

Among the findings referred to state prosecutors were that a Booker ally serving as the agency’s director wrote herself unauthorized payroll checks, handed out no-bid contracts to close personal associates, and made surreptitious risky investments that lost $500,000.

“I don’t think my legacy needs defending,” Booker said when asked about the bashing he has been taking. He said that he got Baraka’s endorsement for senator in the October election to fill the remainder of the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg’s term, and won 90 percent of the votes cast in Newark against Republican Steve Lonegan.

– See more at:

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3 years Later Newark Issues Public Health Notice About Drinking Water



Cory Booker in Ridgewood file photo Boyd Loving

3 years Later Newark Issues Public Health Notice About Drinking Water

The city of Newark is notifying residents that its water department failed to properly monitor turbidity, or cloudiness, in its drinking water for a period of three years, which may have put people’s health at risk. 

The city says the water that flowed from the nearby Charlottesburg reservoir wasn’t properly checked for turbidity, which could indicate the presence of bacteria, viruses and parasites, from at leastJanuary 2011 through April 17, 2014.

As a result, it’s possible some disease-causing organisms weren’t detected in the drinking water over the past three years, which could have caused symptoms like nausea, cramps, diarrhea and headaches. 

If residents are continuing to experience those symptoms, they should go to a doctor for evaluation, officials say. 

The city says there is no emergency, and that the violation was addressed and is not ongoing.

Newark’s water department had “corrected substandard monitoring and recording procedures in their turbidity meters,” and the city has been required by the state DEP to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the water treatment plant.

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4 file to run in the GOP primary in Senate


4 file to run in the GOP primary in Senate

Booker faces challenge; 12 House seats up

Some of the Republicans who filed by Monday’s deadline to run in the June primary for U.S. Senate are pitching bold ideas to stand out in a crowded field, including calls for ending international alliances and returning to the gold standard.

None of the four hopefuls — Jeffrey M. Bell of Leonia, Brian D. Goldberg of West Orange, Richard Pezzullo of Freehold, and Murray Sabrin of Fort Lee — has won elected office before, though most are veterans of past campaigns.

Five men had been traveling the state seeking party support, but retired FBI agent Robert Turkavage of Cranford got stuck in traffic and was not able to reach the state Division of Elections by the 4 p.m. deadline to file his petitions.

“It is what it is,” a disappointed Turkavage said by phone. “We’re a nation of laws, a nation of rules. I have nobody to blame but myself.”

Running for the Democratic nomination is Sen. Cory Booker of Newark, who in October won a special election for the remainder of the late Sen. Frank Lautenberg’s term, which runs through January.

The Senate race tops a ballot that also includes elections for all 12 House seats, including three with no incumbents running. Two of the open seats are in districts that are solidly Democratic, but one — the 3rd District covering Burlington and Ocean counties — has switched from Republican to Democratic and back in the past six years, and has attracted the interest of national parties. (Jackson/The Record)…

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Ramapo College Finance Professor Murray Sabrin says he’s running for U.S. Senate


Ramapo College Finance Professor Murray Sabri says he’s running for U.S. Senate

“Yes, I’m in,” Ramapo College Finance Professor Murray Sabrin declared today in an email blast to supporters.

Sabrin said he wants to fight for the GOP nomination to face incumbent U.S. Senator Cory Booker in the 2014 general election.

“Corey (sic) Booker is a celebrity politician,” wrote Sabrin, 67, of Fort Lee. “A master of the sound bite and the slogan.  But behind it all are more of the failed policies of a government too big to get out of our way.
”I’m Murray Sabrin, and I’m running for the United States Senate to begin a serious, mature discussion about America’s future. An honest discussion about the role of government and the free market in achieving the individual goals of every American. For thirty years, I have been writing and teaching about the dangers of government intrusion into our lives.  I’ve become known as New Jersey’s foremost defender of economic freedom and individual liberty.”

Sabrin last ran for the U.S. Senate in 2008, an unsuccessful bid that found him finishing third in the Republican Primary behind former U.S. Rep. Dick Zimmer and state Sen. Joe Pennacchio. (Pizarro/PolitickerNJ)

Sabrin says he’s running for U.S. Senate | Politicker NJ