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Jack Ciattarelli Wins Big

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, the Tuesday night debate was a big fail for Governor Murphy . GOP challenger Jack Ciattarelli looked prepared  and focused  while the governor stuck to his well worn failed silly bromides . The governor seemed a bit rattled ,looking for an anti Trump sound bite double down on the usual failed promises on how the state is helping minorities and working families . Governor Murphy  also failed to take ownership of his disastrous COVID policy . New Jersey’s COVID Response was among the Very Worst in the country.

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Senate Candidate Rik Mehta Push Defending Small Business Decimated by Governor Murphy’s Policies

Rik Mehta

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Chester NJ,  U.S. Senate nominee Rik Mehta’s campaign has secured a large ad and advertising push for the final weeks of the 2020 election. Mehta’s campaign has targeted voters from the Asian American community with a large radio, TV, and digital ad buy that will reach hundreds of thousands of eligible voters. Additionally, the campaign has also rolled out a billboard advertisement in Newark questioning whether the current Senator was scared to debate Rik Mehta and defend his failed record in the wake of his refusal to return scheduling calls. Appearing on local NJ Channel 12 News, Booker agreed to debate Mehta on September 09 and has since failed to return phone calls from both the Mehta campaign and interested media outlets.

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Bergen County Debate Club Sets Record at Harvard Tournament

Harvard Finalist in Middle School

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ,  Bergen County Debate Club (BCDC) set a new record over President’s Day weekend at the Annual Harvard National Forensics Tournament.  BCDC debate teams claimed 6 out of 16 elimination round placements in the middle school division of Public Forum debate, achieving an unprecedented level of success and excellence for a single club. Additionally, they had students advance to elimination round in five out of the six divisions and seven teams finished with an undefeated record.

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Ridgewood JOLT Now Working to Subvert Democracy?

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, strange goings on at Ridgewood JOLT, the organization that claims :

Ridgewood JOLT is a community organization activating citizens to JOIN ORGANIZE LEAD and TEACH. Our mission is to protect and fight for our democracy through active participation in upcoming elections, monitoring and acting on legislative activity, educating ourselves and others as to our rights and our laws, and using the power of our purse to affect change and require accountability from corporations dependent on our economic participation.

Yet three of its members are in full agreement in attempts to “filter” and censor a group of ‘known agitators” clearly subverting the cause of democracy that thrives off of vigorous debate and goes gainst its stated mission.

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Trump threatens to bring Gennifer Flowers to debate

Jennifer Flowers

By Elliot Smilowitz

Donald Trump on Saturday threatened to bring a woman that Bill Clinton had an extramarital affair with when he debates Hillary Clinton Monday.

“If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Jennifer Flowers [sic] right alongside of him!” Trump initially tweeted.

Shortly after, Trump deleted the tweet and reposted it with the correct spelling of Flowers’s first name.

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At convention, N.J. Democrats debate whether political correctness is a good thing



New Jersey Democrats have gotten so “PC” this week. And some who have made the pilgrimage to the Democratic National Convention proudly asserted that political correctness is part of the DNA of the Democratic Party. Charles Stile, The RecordRead more

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Donald Trump Still in the Lead After Debates: New NBC News/Survey Monkey Poll

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If Donald Trump’s comments about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly are hurting his standing in the Republican primary, it’s not showing in the numbers.

According to the latest NBC News Online Poll conducted by SurveyMonkey, Trump is at the top of the list of GOP candidates that Republican primary voters would cast a ballot for if the primary were being held right now.

The overnight poll was conducted for 24 hours from Friday evening into Saturday. During that period, Donald Trump stayed in the headlines due to his negative comments about Kelly and was dis-invited from a major conservative gathering in Atlanta.

None of that stopped Trump from coming in at the top of the poll with 23 percent. Sen. Ted Cruz was next on the list with 13 percent.