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Reverend Al Sharpton Blames “limousine liberals” for Minorities Fleeing the Democrat party

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on April 8th the Ridgewood published findings from a new Stockton University Poll of New Jersey adults showing that key Democratic constituencies – Black, multiracial and Hispanic voters – are more moderate on a host of issues than the overall party.

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Stockton Poll: Minority Voters More Moderate on Issues than Democrats

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photo courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Galloway NJ, as progressive and moderate factions battle for influence in the Democratic Party, a new Stockton University Poll of New Jersey adults shows that key Democratic constituencies – Black, multiracial and Hispanic voters – are more moderate on a host of issues than the overall party.

Continue reading Stockton Poll: Minority Voters More Moderate on Issues than Democrats