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Ridgewood Village Council Accused of Being Obsessive Over Schedler Property

Bitch Perron Copy

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Deputy Mayor was WHITE HOT Wednesday night.  After a resident suggested that the Council Majority was being OBSESSIVE about finding a way to shoehorn a huge field onto Schedler she retorted with the following:

Continue reading Ridgewood Village Council Accused of Being Obsessive Over Schedler Property

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Rurik Halaby‎ alleges that Ridgewood Mayor and Deputy Mayor intend to impede your right to vote


November 2,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Rurik Halaby‎ alleges that Mayor Susan Knudsen and Deputy Mayor Mike Sedon intend to impede your right to vote and intimidate you at the voting both.

On the Facebook group “It Takes a Ridgewood Village”

Rurik Halaby‎ posted ,“Remember Ridgewood Citizens, we live in Ridgewood, NJ, and not Birmingham-in-Bergen. As a naturalized American Citizen I value my right to vote above every other right I have, and I will be damned if I am letting anyone impede that! Our Mayor and Deputy Mayor supposedly are registered as “Challengers.” What in the world does that mean, if you are not out to intimidate.”

While the Glen Rock Patch called it an, ” ‘Unprecedented’ Situation As Challengers Register To Be At Ridgewood Polling Locations” . Some of you should really vote more often ,challengers have been used at almost every election ,yes even in Ridgewood since I first voted in 1980 .

As a voter Mr. Halaby and others should familiarize with NJ Statute Title 19: ELECTIONS.

A “Challenger” is there to assure the integrity of the election . Challengers (AKA poll watchers) defend voter’s rights and their only interest is the conduct of a fair and honest election.

What a Challenger Can Do

Challengers must be seated near the board workers so that they may hear the names of the voters being processed.
Challengers can write down the names and address of voters.
Challengers can challenge a voter. This process must be done in accordance with state and federal laws.
Challengers may request the public counter numbers on the voting machine from the board workers. The board workers can give this information to the challengers provided they are not busy with voters or their other duties.
Challengers can be present at the close of the polls to witness the opening of the voting machines and hear the unofficial vote totals.

What a Challenger Cannot Do

Challengers cannot address the voters. They must inform the board workers when they wish to initiate a challenge.
Challengers cannot challenge a voter based on:

Their race, sex, creed, ethnic origin.
How they think they might vote.
The fact they live in a particular ward, housing complex or section of a municipality or county.

Challengers cannot stand behind the election tables or go near the voting machines.
Challengers cannot look over the shoulders of or sit with the board workers.
Challengers cannot touch the voting machines or registration books.
Challengers cannot use cellphones, blackberries, iPhones, laptops or any other electronic/wireless communicating device while in the polling location.
Challengers cannot wear any partisan/political buttons, pins, hats, clothing, signs, etc while in the polling location. They can only be identified by the county-issued badge and permit.
Challengers cannot campaign in the polling location.
Challengers cannot disturb the quiet and business-like atmosphere of the polling location.
Challengers cannot harass or intimidate any voters.

Perhaps Mr.Halaby could get some info from the League of Women Voters , after all,it has been recently infected by a whole host of former Mayor Paul Aronsohn supporters clearing looking to still hold some sway over Village of Ridgewood politics.

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Reader say Even Lame Duck Status Has Not Toned Down Ridgewood Deputy Mayors Condescending Rhetoric


file photo by Boyd Loving

So our Deputy Mayor Pucciarelli was pontificating about the signs on Wednesday night in his usual condescending manner, about how they can legally be planted all over public property and of course pretending he has no idea who might still have signs up. And what does he say in the midst of his sermon?: “I think we are getting perilously close to having our say about who’s good and who’s not.” Say what Mr. Pucciarelli? Were you trying to say that this would be a terrible thing (the word “perilously” certainly implies such). You were saying that sitting council members should not say “who’s good and who’s not” from among the candidates? This was on Wednesday night, and your ridiculous letter of support for Willett Weitz and Brooks was already on file with the Ridgewood News for publication on Friday. So clearly you have absolutely no problem whatsoever with a sitting (although thank god lame duck) council member stating which candidates he prefers. You are so two-faced Mr. Pucciarelli, so smug and superior, so arrogant and assholic. Oh my God I cannot wait until you are gone. You and the two idiots you are aligned with.

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Deputy Mayor Moves to Stop Video Taping of Public Meetings in Ridgewood

file photo by Boyd loving
February 1,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ ,Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarell at a recent council meeting said   “Im going to introduce an Ordinance” In regards to video taping of council meeting. Seemed after his recent out bursts he was not happy with being taped by outside sources .

You might want to run that one by the NJ Supreme Court .

At Village Council Meetings There are no expectations of privacy in a person in a public place.The meeting is already being videotaped, why is personal video a problem?

The American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey praised a New Jersey Supreme Court decision released today that protects an individual’s right to videotape public meetings.

“Videotaping is an invaluable method of documenting government activities or misconduct,” said ACLU of New Jersey Legal Director Ed Barocas. “We are pleased that the Supreme Court recognized that American freedom and democracy depend on the people having a right to access government information.”

So whats the problem ?

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Readers Comment on Controversial statements by the Deputy Mayor


file photo by Boyd Loving

The three of them absolutely do not care if they broke a law. Here is a DIRECT QUOTE from Pucciarelli from last Wednesday

“Maybe we’re breaking the law, but it’s not a good law.”

This is a perfect quote, demonstrating without question that the Deputy Mayor needs to be retired from public office ASAP.

Public figures are not at liberty either to violate the law, or blithely leave the impression that they are flouting the law. If a Councilmember thinks a law is bad, they should act to bring about a change to the law, not simply break it in an act of contempt to demonstrate how bad it is!

Yes, our deputy mayor, who happens to be a LAWYER (something he loves to remind us of every other minute) has that little respect for the law. Listen to him on the U-stream. Who would believe that a lawyer would say this? Who would believe that an elected law-maker would say this?

Disgusting, despicable, disgraceful, disingenuous, dastardly, damnable. The three of them stink.

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Ridgewood Village Voices: Albert Pucciarelli


file photo by Boyd Loving

Ridgewood Village Voices: Albert Pucciarelli

DECEMBER 12, 2014    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2014, 12:31 AM

Name: Albert J. Pucciarelli

Occupation and/or volunteer position: Partner, McElroy, Deutsch Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP; chair of the firm’s hotels and resorts and aviation law practice groups; member of the Board of Directors, Skytop Lodge Corporation; member of the Board of Directors, Hospitality Industry Bar Association; President, Mid-Atlantic Pilots Association; Deputy Mayor and Councilman, Village of Ridgewood.

How long I have lived in Ridgewood: 35 years (since October 1979)

Interests and hobbies: Flying my airplane – I am a commercial, instrument-rated pilot; visiting museums and restaurants in NYC; admiring the architecture there, new and old; watching the great series available on TV and tablets, such as Mad Men, Downton Abbey and Breaking Bad.

My favorite place to relax in Ridgewood: In a cell-phone/iPad-free meditation room that I added to my home for just that purpose.

A “perfect day” in Ridgewood would include: Gym, then Mens’ Fellowship discussion at Christ Episcopal Church, work in my yard, lunch with my grandchildren in town, afternoon swimming with my children and their children in our pool; dinner at La Lanterna with special friends and good wine.

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Readers say Chief Ward deserves an Apology by Mayor Aronsohn, the Deputy Mayor and Councilwomen Gwenn


file photo Boyd Loving

Readers say Chief Ward deserves an Apology by Mayor Aronsohn, the Deputy Mayor and Councilwomen Gwenn 

First I am glad that our new manager had the decency to announce that Chief Ward had been cleared of any wrong doing by the prosecutor. I am once again disappointed that the council sat in silence with no apology from Mayor Aronsohn, the deputy mayor and Gwenn. # 6 you are so correct, I watched the two council meetings and I am appalled by the conduct of the mayor and deputy mayor, not to mention our concerned citizen. The concerned citizen was clearly reading off a script, which seemed to mirror the deputy mayor and mayor’s inquisition.
That left me with questions as to where our concern citizen got his information from Hmmmmm.
It is also very interesting how the council and our concerned citizen did a complete reversal after the Chief requested an investigation by the prosecutor’s office.

Funny how some of the people most vocal about tolerance and respect are the ones repeatedly trashing others.

With the public trashing of their professional reputations and what has now been shown to be false accusations against Chief Ward and Heather Mailander, I would not be surprised if there is not another lawsuit against our fair Village thanks to the actions of certain council members.