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Reader says I don’t know that I disagree with Weitz on his general point, but he completely overlooks the fact that nasty barbs and citizen put downs were the stock in trade of Mayor Aronsohn

Ridgewood Yard Signs

I don’t know that I disagree with Weitz on his general point, but he completely overlooks the fact that nasty barbs and citizen put downs were the stock in trade of Mayor Aronson. Simply put – He was mean and nasty to those who disagreed with him. No one trusted him in the least. (And who can forget Deputy Mayor I Am the Only One IN Town with a Day Job.) And Evan, to be frank, you were rumoured on the campaign trail to toss a few barbs yourself when you ran on the Arohnson supported ticket.

So, yes, Evan is right, we need to tone it down sometimes. But his fake news and attempt to resurrect Arohnson from the political graveyard he richly deserves isn’t helping us at all.

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REA supporter reverts to the same old name calling because it worked so well for the last mayor and his crew

Ridgewood EA teachers protest
We heard this from Valley Hospital,then the 3 amigos and now the REA 

“Hold strong to your position REA. This heinous, negative sentiment toward educators is indicative of a minority of Ridgewood residents. Comments about not having the support of the community are inaccurate. More and more of the limited support Ridgewood Teacher signs are cropping up everyday despite this being vacation time. The premise that teachers are living in a fantasy world, are asking for pie-in-the-sky benefits and don’t understand the reality of the day are ridiculous. The REA has proposed what every other district in NJ has asked for, nothing more. Teacher hate is not the norm in other towns…… and not for the majority of Ridgewood residents.”

“I have followed the various posts on this blog related to the current negotiations and have held my tongue. I have read that teachers are : greedy, vindictive, inactive, unprofessional, uncaring, easily replaceable, union puppets, abusing an archaic system, engaging in activities that would have them fired from non tenured jobs (wearing a red shirt for unity) and a litany of other things that are an affront to common decency. Statements are made based on gossip, half-truths and inaccurate facts that fuel the animosity. If someone, who knew nothing about the situation, happened upon this blog and took the comments as accurate, they would believe the Ridgewood teachers to be angry, slothful beings,living high on the hog, hellbent on bankrupting the taxpayers, brainwashing (while not caring about or actually teaching) their students, being provided an exorbitant salary for a no-show job, while lounging on the beach. If this isn’t teacher hate, please tell me what is?”
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UPDATE: Mayor Aronsohn will be swearing Chief Luthcke in on Friday July 1st at 9:00 A.M. at BF Middle School


photo courtesy of Boyd Loving


Organizational Announcement

I am pleased and honored to announce that Captain Jacqueline Luthcke will be Ridgewood’s next Chief of Police and Ridgewood’s first woman Chief of Police effective July 1, 2016.  Captain Luthcke is eminently qualified to serve in this capacity.  She started her career with the Ridgewood Police Department in 1996 as a patrol officer advancing to Sergeant in 2005, Lieutenant in 2008 and Captain in 2010.  Jacqueline has been active in the Ridgewood community and has been the face of the RPD to our community.  Jacqueline has had a  distinguished career and has impressive credentials. I am absolutely confident and certain that she will make an excellent Chief and that out community will be well served.


Mayor Aronsohn will be swearing Chief Luthcke in on Friday July 1st at 9:00 A.M. at BF Middle School where the ceremony will be attended by the graduating class of the Junior Police Academy.

Please join me in congratulating Jacquie and in wishing her the best as the Ridgewood Chief of Police,  Roberta

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Reader says Criticism from this blog eventually unmasked the intentions of Aronsohn, his adoring supplicants, and his friends in the media such as The Record’s Stephen Borg


The ironically-named “Civility Forums” were, collectively, a thinly- (because that’s usually all that is needed to avoid scrutiny) disguised attempt to re-define, as aggressive “incivility”, civic involvement, occasionally taking the form of mild pushback, by ordinary village residents and taxpayers not invested or interested in advancing a freakish, spawn-of-alinsky, progressive political agenda. Criticism from this blog eventually unmasked the intentions of Aronsohn, his adoring supplicants, and his friends in the media such as The Record’s Stephen Borg. The wind having been taken out of their sails, they mercifully ended that baleful series of foolish public/private meetings. Their jihad against normalcy is sure to arise again in some other form in the near future which is why we need to support small-entity actors like James who are willing to throw stumbling blocks in their path.

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Why is the Mayor and his 3 Candidates fighting so hard to keep the Village Manager?


file photo by Boyd Loving

May 6th 2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Why is the Mayor and his 3 Candidates fighting so hard to keep the Village Manager. Why are they getting so involved with this when the entire council Majority is not running for reelection. . Reminds me of the following definition :

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks” is a quotation from the 1599/ 1600 play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. It has been used as a figure of speech, in various phrasings, to describe someone’s too frequent and vehement attempts to convince others of some matter of which the opposite is true, thereby making themselves appear defensive, and insincere.

In rhetorical terms, the phrase can be thought of as indicating an unintentional apophasis—where the speaker who “protests too much” in favor of some assertion puts into others’ minds the idea that the assertion is false, something that they may not have considered before.

The Village Manager has no contact and serves at the pleasure of the Council. If the 3 amigos wanted to keep her so bad then maybe they should have run for re election.

13100959 10206692392644268 5092621493496943916 n

In the Village Hall it was observed Roberta proudly displaying the full page advertisement that appears on page A-11 (about retaining her) of Fridays Ridgewood News to staff members gathered in the waiting area outside of her office.

How inappropriate was it of her to conduct a forced discussion about politics with her people who report to her.

By the way, that ad was paid for by the following families:

Richard & Carla Fels, 227 Sunset
Michael & Amy Greenstone, 122 Sunset
Sommer (first names & address unknown)
Taylor (first names & address unknown)
Peter & Allison Von Halle, 48 Clinton

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Ridgewood Mayor Aronsohn disregards “No dogs in the Park ” Ordinance


file photo by William Thomas

April 28,2016

Anne Loving

Ridgewood NJ, Mayor Aronsohn After stating that my question would be answered “at the end of public comments” this evening, you then chose to ignore my question and end the meeting. Even when I attempted to remind you that I had an unanswered question, you refused to follow through on your word that questions would be answered and allow the Village Attorney to address the issue.
No problem, I answered it myself by looking at the Village Code (pasted below).  As I already knew, dogs are prohibited from most Village parks, so you as well as anyone else who had dogs at the event last Sunday were in violation.  How convenient that you chose to ignore my question rather than admit at the public meeting that you broke the law.  And for your information most, if not all, of these parks have signs stating this law.

As I indicated, I completely disagree with this ordinance and firmly believe that dogs should absolutely be allowed in all Village Parks.  It is my experience that humans create much more waste in parks than dogs do, as witnessed by the countless cigarette butts, soda cans, candy wrappers, and water bottles that are found scattered about.  In general, I think dog-owners tend to be very cautious about picking up after their pets.  Many towns even provide “poopie bag” dispensers to make clean-up extra convenient.
I would love to see this ordinance rescinded.  But until or unless that happens, dogs are prohibited in the parks listed below.  It is always good to know – and obey –  the local laws, especially when you are an elected official.

§ 212-29Dogs.

Dogs are hereby prohibited from certain parks as follows: Citizens Park, Graydon Park, Maple Park, Pleasant Park, Twinney Pond Park, Van Neste Park and Veteran’s Memorial Field.
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Reader says Councilwoman Hauck, Mayor Aronsohn, Deputy Mayor Pucciarelli, and the Village Manager are behind this unfortunate development in Ridgewood

signs in Ridgewood

Political signs in the village-owned planters and in the sidewalk cutouts (for the shade trees) in the Central Business District were unheard of in Ridgewood until someone (as yet unidentified) paid to have the “Vote Yes” signs printed, assembled, and distributed around the Village last Fall in time to influence the Parking Garage vote. And now we are told that there is some kind of regulation in place for political signs that permitted these kinds of signs to be put up in this manner?

What is the text of that regulation as it appears today? How did it appear last fall when the “Vote Yes” signs were erected? What earlier iterations of that regulation existed by which these kinds of shenanigans were completely prevented in the past? Or are we just now seeing the results of a creative interpretation on an old, unchanged regulation by an enterprising new election lawyer or cynical political operator? If that regulation was changed in such a way as to permit or encourage this kind of nonsense, what was the “before” and “after” of this change, and exactly how and when did it occur?

The guiding hands of Councilwoman Hauck, Mayor Aronsohn, Deputy Mayor Pucciarelli, and the Village Manager so clearly appear to be behind this unfortunate development that nobody should ever accept an explanation that does not implicate them. If we want to revert back to a non-partisan form of local government, which we are supposed to be guranteed under the Faulkner Act, nobody that supported the Three Amigos in their misbehavior in recent years, or who is currently receiving political support from them, should ever be elected to Village Council, even by mistake.

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Historic Preservation Chairman Teams Up With Mayor to Silence Councilwomen

susan village council
file photo by Boyd Loving
March 11,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Historic Preservation Chairman, Vince Parillo,  asked if any members of the HPC had any comments.  When Councilwoman Susan Knudsen commented,Vince Parillo then asked, do any voting members have any comments?, thereby ignoring Councilwoman Knudsen’s comments. When it was time to vote, Councilwoman Knudsen explained her vote,  the Mayor questioned the audience whether Councilwoman can vote, and the HPC  Chairman Vince Parillo replied that her vote doesn’t count.

Basically Mayor Aronsohn and HPC Chairman Vince Parillo had teamed up to discredit Councilwoman Knudsen and make her presence irrelevant in the meeting.

Tony Damiano, a store owner and also President of The Ridgewood Guild, is a newly appointed HPC member.  He sent a letter because he could not attend. In his letter he mentioned he is approving “Plan D” because this design fits the lot, which is not correct, as he well knows as he attends Village Council meetings at which this fact has been clearly discussed.

Jim Shimmel voted on the design while he should have recused himself because he owns a building next door to the proposed garage.

In the meeting it was also discovered that the resolution passed on January 27th for design D requires two lanes for traffic on Hudson Street but design D only provides one lane.

Lastly, a resident asked the architects why the archways of the garage, which are supposed to be 11.5 feet high, look smaller than the entrance door of The Village Green restaurant, which is probably six feet eight; the architects could not explain this apparent inaccuracy


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Another Garage Letter that was not Printed by the Ridgewood News

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Boyd Loving , Council majority ie the 3 Amigos

Good morning-
Here is the Letter to the Editor Jim wrote that wasn’t printed this past wknd.

February 17, 2016

Letter to the Editor

What is really going on?

The Town Council voted 3-2 on February 10th to fund the Hudson Street Garage with the Bergen County Improvement Authority. Councilmembers Aronsohn, Pucciarelli and Hauck voted to turn the project over to the county.

Some questions to ponder:

If the goal is a functional, non-partisan government, WHY has our Mayor been off “forming a partnership” with the BCIA for 3 years?

If financial stewardship is important, WHY are we paying more to finance through the BCIA versus funding it ourselves?

If we are going to incur an obligation to the county of more than $10 million, WHY isn’t there a payment plan in place to pay off this obligation?

If we truly care about the look and feel of our historic downtown, WHY haven’t designs/renderings been shown to the taxpayers of Ridgewood?

If all 5 members of our Town Council are independent thinking stewards of our village, WHY haven’t Councilmembers Sedon and Knudsen been privy to all discussions and reports in a timely fashion?

If we want real informed input from our fellow residents, WHY was the Maser study, which showed the 12 feet encroachment into Hudson St., thereby narrowing Hudson to 18 feet, not made public until after the November referendum, when the Village Manager had it on her desk in October?

If the upcoming election isn’t a factor, WHY are Councilmembers Aronsohn, Pucciarelli and Hauck in such a rush to fund this with Bergen County?

Too many unanswered questions.
Lets make sure we have answers before it’s too late.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McCarthy

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Ridgewood’s Mayor Plans A Major End-Run Around the Local Bond Law !

Paul_Aronsohn_theridgewood blog
file photo of Mayor Paul Aronsohn 
December 5,2015

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Readers say Record Article Paints and Inaccurate Picture of Hudson Parking Garage Meeting

Ridgewood NJ, the question was asked “Could you say more about what is inaccurate in the article? I wasn’t able to attend the meeting and only saw about 15 minutes of the video stream. I believe of the three public comments I saw, two were in favor of Option C/No Garage, and one was in favor Option A.”Inaccurate –

1. one sentence about public comment at the very end of the article, when the public spoke for hours.
2. indicates that most favor plan A, when many public members spoke about related issues and not about which plan they favor. No discussion of related concerns.
3. completely omitted that Mayor Aronsohn intends to disregard the STATE law and do an end-run around the requirement that FOUR council members must vote for a bond. In the event that two decide not to vote for the bond, Aronsohn will go directly to the county to get them to issue the bond. He has already met with them and already has this in place with them just waiting for his call. This is despicable. Gwenn and Albert are going right along with this. Even though it is LEGAL to do this, it is completely disrespectful to our local government and flies in the face of the spirit of good governance.

Local Bond Law N.J.S.A. 40A:2-1 et seq. November, 2009 Page 1 Local Bond Law N.J.S.A. 40A:2
A bond ordinance shall be finally adopted by the recorded affirmative votes of at least 2/3 of the full membership of the governing body. In a local unit in which the approval of any officer is required to make an ordinance or resolution effective, such bond ordinance shall be so approved, or passed over veto before it shall be published after final adoption.

This law, above, is a state law and requires 2/3 majority to issue a bond. Three out of five is only a 60% majority. Here goes out elected officials all set up to break the law.

The public comments were certainly not “binary”, and the council’s opinion wasn’t really the focus of the time.
Would Ridgewood be “legally on the hook” for any bond the county issued? I agree that seems like a major end-run around the law!

The actual council session is available here online:

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How can the Village Council put together Bond Ordnance before the final Parking Garage Design is Decided ?

November 13,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ , Prior to the Nov 3rd referendum, Mayor Aronsohn and Councilwoman Hauck were telling people “If you think we need more parking, vote yes. This is not the final design. We will get public input about the size, design, financials, etc before decisions are made.” It appears now that many people voted yes on the bond referendum, trusting those statements and that they would have input.

At the Nov 9th council meeting, during the manager’s report, Roberta spoke of the parking committee coming to the Dec 9th council meeting with their recommendations. She said the parking committee has taken input from residents. That seems to be news to a lot of people .Most residents were not aware of any meeting where the public was allowed to give their input on record. The informal “parking forums” that took place were not “on the record” . Residents expected there to be council meetings dedicated to the discussion of the parking garage. Members of the parking steering committee should be present to hear all comments. After public comments, the council should discuss in front of the public, their thoughts on the structure.

During the managers report on Nov 9th, Roberta also suggested putting together the bond ordinance for the garage at the Dec 9th council meeting. This clearly sounds to us that things are being done backwards yet again. How exactly can you have a dollar figure for a bond when the design has not been decided? How can the design be decided before you have had a formal public meeting where everybody can express there opinions?  Why is money being wasted asking the architects for different renderings, when you haven’t heard the public yet? Maybe someone will have ideas that should be incorporated into the new designs and should be heard before the architects are asked to come back with multiple designs?

Once again it seems that the residents  are feeling their voices are not being listened to again regarding the many significant issues facing the village: high density housing, parking  Schedler, and Habernickel.

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East Side, West Side all Around the town Ridgewood Taxpayers Continue to get the shaft from Mayor Aronsohn, Deputy Mayor Pucciarelli, and Councilwoman Hauck

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Boyd Loving

November 8,2015

the staff of the Ridgewood blog


Ridgewood NJ, On Wednesday November 4, the agenda for the Village Council’s Public Workshop Agenda included a single line item:  Public Hearing – Change in Use of 1057 Hillcrest Road (The Gate House) at Irene Habernickel Family Park.  No one in the neighborhood of the park had been informed via any official channels.  A small, almost unreadable sign posted at the park informed of the meeting, but few saw it and many who might have would not have read such an insignificant posting.  Many found out about the meeting through a grapevine of neighbors.  One was told, off the record, by a police officer.  Another heard about it from a contractor working at her home.  Some learned as they were arriving home from work that night.

The basic gist of what is going on is as follows.  For many years, the Gate House had been rented to a family, who opted not to renew their lease.  An ad placed for a new renter yielded no interested parties.  A business, however, had indicated an interest in acquiring the property.  Late in the summer, on September 16, an ordinance was introduced to change the use of 1057 Hillcrest Road to “recreational/educational purposes.”  Health Barn USA won the bid, and soon thereafter the business website indicated the new address in Ridgewood.  The website, should you care to read further, is

Some reached out to one of our elected officials, Councilwoman Susan Knudsen in advance of Wednesday’s meeting.  Responding appropriately and promptly, Councilwoman Knudsen explained to those who inquired how to speak their concerns at a Council Meeting, and who to speak with at the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection regarding the regulations involved using a property that was purchased with Green Acres Funding for business purposes.

Many residents of the neighborhood arrived at the November 4 meeting, not sure what to expect, but certain that they wanted to speak their opposition to this plan.  For most, this was the first Village Council meeting they had attended.  They waited patiently while other business items were discussed and presented.

When the Public Hearing began, the owner of Health Barn USA, Ms. Stacey Antine, explained the mission and purpose of her business.  She also denied some allegations that had been swirling prior to this meeting, stating that she was not involved in any litigation with her former landlord (Abmas Farm in Wyckoff) and that no children from inner cities would be bused in for the programs.  Following her presentation, several clients of Health Barn USA gave testimonials, and employees of the Village of Ridgewood spoke about safety and other concerns surrounding the changed use of the property.

When the residents finally got their chance to speak, they were amazing.  Twenty one individuals spoke, ranging in age from 18 to “retired.”  One after the next they voiced valid objections to the change in use, to the way the matter has been handled  by The Village Council, and to the legality of defying the NJ-DEP Green Acres guidelines.  They were all clear, determined, insistent, polite, even while frustrated.  Many expressed a sense of wonder that their elected officials had actually changed the use and drafted (although not finalized) a lease on a business BEFORE the Public Hearing.   You can hear their excellent comments on the Village of Ridgewood website U-Stream.

Here are a few highlights, in no particular order:

1. One resident was reprimanded sarcastically and loudly by Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck.  Yes, you read that correctly, a member of the public, a taxpayer, was publicly humiliated by one of our elected officials.

2. Results of a traffic study conducted by the Ridgewood Police Department seemed to greatly differ from the neighbors’ observations of traffic at the site.

3. While the original presentation by the Health Barn USA owner indicated that busses would not be coming in and out of the park, later in the evening it was revealed that mini-busses and full-size school busses could be expected on a regular basis.

4. The business has been granted permission by the Village to use a large plot on the park property  for gardening;  this is separate from the home and its immediate surrounds.

5. Assistant to the Village Manager, Ms. Janet Fricke, expressed frustration that one of our elected officials assisted residents in navigating the process without including her in the discussion.  Likewise, Village Manager Ms. Roberta Sonenfeld indicated that no such communications between a councilmember and the public should take place without everyone being cc’ed.  SINCE WHEN DO EMPLOYEES TELL ELECTED OFFICIALS WHAT THEY CAN OR CANNOT DO?  Does anyone actually believe that an elected official should not assist residents who ask for assistance?

6. No resident, not one, criticized the business in any way or maligned Ms. Antine for having sought this location.  Their argument was not with Health Barn USA; it is with the proposed presence of any business in their quiet residential neighborhood.

7. In summary, Mayor Aronsohn, Deputy Mayor Pucciarelli, and Councilwoman Hauck all indicated that with some minor adjustments to satisfy the NJ-DEP, they will be looking forward to welcoming this wonderful new business, thereby completely ignoring the impassioned pleas of these residents.

So, are the Habernickel Park neighbors getting the shaft just like the Schedler Park residents?  Sure looks like it.  Once again, the Council Majority is running a steam roller right over the taxpayers.

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Mayor Aronsohn Calls a concerned resident a liar

Schedler Park

Thank you Marcia. Great letter. Last night our mayor went after Ms. Jacqueline Hone in this matter, deliberately and nastily. She was great, she calmly came right back at him and stated that she has emails from Robert Abbatomarco stating all of this, she held up a notebook with all the information she has carefully collected and collated. Aronsohn said he talked to Robert Abbatomarco and everything Ms. Hone said was completely untrue. He called a concerned resident a liar. REALLY? This is how you conduct business? Instead of meeting with Ms. Hone, as she has requested on numerous occasions, and going over the facts together, he just calmly “says” that her information is wrong.

Ms. Hone was not the only resident they went after last night. Clearly their nerves are frayed.

Keep up the good work everyone.

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Aronsohn accepted campaign contribution from developer


file photo by Boyd Loving

October 1,2015

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, An individual candidate’s report from the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission’s website reveals that during his 2008 campaign for Village Council, Ridgewood Mayor Paul Aronsohn accepted an “In Kind” contribution of $383.92 from local real estate developer John Saracino.  The “In Kind” contribution was made in the form of a candidate’s reception.

An ordinance that would essentially approve Mr. Saraceno’s high density multi-family housing project, “The Enclave,” is currently being considered by Mayor Aronsohn and the Village Council.

Does the acceptance of the noted campaign contribution indicate a conflict of interest exists on Mayor Aronsohn’s part?

ELEC_Document (1)

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Mayor loses ally at North Jersey Media


September 18,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog .

Ridgewood NJ , we had heard rumors since early September that Chris Harris of North Jersey Media  reportedly he gave NJMG 2 weeks notice. Its said according to sources he was going to write for People Magazine . Its turned out to be true and his last day was yesterday .

Readers were already asking, ” Mayors Mouth Piece Leaves North Jersey Media Where is the Mayors Press Secretary Chris Harris to put the spin on this story?” and some questioned , “WOW what is our Mayor going to do? He lost the editor of the Patch a few years back and now this. Who will spin his stories now?”

 Chris was frequently criticized on this blog for being a little to enamored with our Mayor Paul Aronsohn , some readers referring to him as the Mayors PR department at North Jersey Media .

On his twitter page he says he is the “Unflinching true crime reporter for People Magazine” . We wish him the best of luck and we are sure the Mayor will develop a new mouth piece at North Jersey Media shortly .