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These 6 Options Will Help You Select A Design For Your Home

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When it comes to home design, there are many different options to choose from. Some people prefer a more traditional look, while others prefer a more modern or contemporary style. No matter what your preference is, there is sure to be a design option that will suit your needs. In this blog post, we will discuss six popular home design styles and provide you with examples of each one. We hope that this information will help you select the perfect design for your home!

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Ridgewood mulls over new design options for Schedler Park

Schedler Park

file photo by Boyd Loving

OCTOBER 19, 2015    LAST UPDATED: MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2015, 10:45 AM

The latest drawings for the proposed Schedler Park, which includes a large multi-purpose field, were unveiled last week during a presentation made by village officials.

The Schedler property and the historic Zabriskie-Schedler house have come back to the forefront in recent weeks with a resolution passed by the council to endorse recommendations made for the site in the 2012 Open Space report and the submission of an application for a matching grant that would fund preliminary cleanup work in the area.

Some of the features of the potential park include an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible walking path, restrooms and playground, a woodland and nature area, and the most-discussed feature, a 90-foot baseball field with multi-purpose field overlay for soccer, lacrosse and football. A parking lot at the southern end of the triangular shaped parcel contains 74 spaces and a drop-off lane.

Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld emphasized this was “the beginning stages of a public discussion on the actual design of the park.”