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How to Find the Emergency Food Supply Kit That’s Right For You

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A mistake that many of us tend to do is presuming that disasters will never happen to us. We’re all guilty of thinking of natural disasters such as hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, or other natural disasters, such as the recent outbreak of the coronavirus, as far-away problems that we never have to deal with. However, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. With such disasters, the likeability of lacking access to freshwater, food, or electricity is extremely high. There are many steps that you can do to prepare yourself for these misfortunate events. 

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RidgeCrest Senior Housing prepare for disasters and storms by giving them emergency “Grab & Go” bags


Please help the residents of RidgeCrest Senior Housing prepare for disasters and storms by giving them emergency “Grab & Go” bags.

“Grab & Go” bags give senior a sense of empowerment and security knowing that they are prepared in the event of an emergency.

Items needed for the 150 Ridgecrest “Grab and Go” bags include:
Rain Ponchos
Light Weight Blankets
Light Weight Flashlights
Travel Size First Aid Kits

Also included in the “Grab & Go” bags will be Personal Medical ID Cards and a bottle of water

Once the items are collected, each bag will be put together and distributed during an emergency safety demonstration for the residents.

Any questions??
Please email us at