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Wild Duck Pond to Get a Facelift in Ridgewood

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ former Mayor and Bergen County Commissioner Ramon M Hache used Earth Day to announce on Facebook that Bergen County is going to restore the Duck Pond in Ridgewood .

Continue reading Wild Duck Pond to Get a Facelift in Ridgewood

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Dog Run Closed at “Duck Pond” in Ridgewood

duck pond

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in the Saddle River County Park Wild Duck Pond the dog run formerly know as “bark park” is currently closed .  It appears the dog run was closed for social distancing .Social distancing is a set of nonpharmaceutical infection control actions intended to stop or slow down the spread of a contagious disease like COVID 19.

Continue reading Dog Run Closed at “Duck Pond” in Ridgewood

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Reader says I have never seen the Duck Pond look worse than I have seen it now


I grew up with the Duck Pond being partially raised in the village and I have never seen the condition of the park, specifically the pond, look worse than I have seen it now. It looks as if the county and or the town or whoever takes care of the Duck Pond has lost interest and doesn’t really care. The accumulation of algae this year is horrible to the point where I believe it could be toxic with the odor alone. Signs are posted at the Glen Rock park and pond location in Glen Rock, also run by the county, which warn of a toxic algae accumulation in their pond, which looks mild by comparison to the Duck Pond situation, where the smell is putrid to the point where it almost made me vomit. Don’t believe me, go to the Duck Pond as of August 25, 2018. Doesn’t anybody give a shit?

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Family Dog Walk at the Duck Pond




WHERE:  Saddle River County Park at Wild Duck Pond Area, 1133 E. Ridgewood Avenue

WHAT TO EXPECT: Join us for a Family Walk day – pets included!  there is no better way to start your Saturday than some fun exercise for you and your pet.

The event will include:  an optional 3- mile walk, health stations, giveaways, pet and human education, treats for all, pet advice from Tyco and more….all dogs on need to be leashed.

CLICK HERE for more details

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Ridgewood Mayor Says Complete the Bergen County Parks Master Plan Survey and be heard!

March 14,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen has a snow day activity :

RIDGEWOOD RESIDENTS: On this snowy day PLEASE take a moment to complete the Bergen County Parks Master Plan Survey at

As of February 20, out of the total 1751 online survey responses, there were 79 responses from the Ridgewood zip code. We would love to see as many 07450 responses as possible to ensure that the Bergen County Master Plan reflects the needs of Ridgewood residents! Our response numbers are pretty good based on 70 municipalities in Bergen County…but we can do better! Complete the survey and be heard!