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Assemblyman Calls Requirement the EV Charging Stations be Operational 97% of the Time Unrealistic and Unenforceable

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Assemblyman Christian Barranco (R-25) took to the floor of the state Assembly this week to condemn a bill affecting electric vehicle charging stations as unenforceable and unrealistic.
The legislation( A4715) would require the state Board of Public Utilities or any other State agency that issues an incentive payment for construction of EV charging station to require that the charging centers be operational 97 percent of the time.

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NJDOT to Strategically Deploy EV Charging Stations in New Jersey

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Twp. of Washington NJ, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program funds the deployment of Electric Vehicle (EV) fast chargers along designated electric vehicle corridors to establish an interconnected EV charging network across each state and the nation. It is the NJDOT’s intent to strategically deploy EV charging stations in New Jersey and to establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability. Funding is available for up to 80% of eligible project costs, including:

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Don’t Expect to Charge Your Electric Vehicle at a US Post Office any Time in the Near Future

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the staff the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Postal Service is planning to begin installing and using EV charging stations at its facilities this year as it begins converting 75% of its fleet to EVs. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has said it will purchase 66,000 charging stations, one for each of the electric vehicles it plans to buy over the next several years, including those potentially available at electric cars for sale in San Diego

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Applegreen Opening New Headquarters in Glen Rock ,to Invest $126 million Renovating 21 Highway Service Plazas in New Jersey


Applegreen to start with the redevelopment of  Woodrow Wilson and Molly Pitcher Rest Stops and install EV charging infrastructure

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ,  New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and Applegreen, one of the largest on-highway service plaza operators in the United States and Europe, today announced an investment worth $126 million in the state of New Jersey, delivering hundreds of skilled new jobs to the Garden State over the coming years. Applegreen, an Irish-founded company, also announced that it will relocate its Travel Plaza Headquarters to Glen Rock, New Jersey. Glen Rock comes out a winner ,  برومو كود BetWinner, with the opening of the new Applegreen Headquarters in Glen Rock – where the company already has a presence – will add at least 100 new jobs in finance, administration, development, and logistics to the region.

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Use ParkMobile to Pay at Glen Rock EV Charging Stations

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, For those of you who use the Glen Rock EV charging stations downtown, please note that as of Jan 21 the Borough now charges a fee of $1.50/hr for use of the chargers. This fee is in effect 24/7, but note that there is no overnight parking in the lot. Payment is made via a new ParkMobile zone (3303) created just for the 2 parking spots associated with the charging station. Additional instructions were posted at the site yesterday. Previously established zones in that lot have different rates and hours as indicated. Hope this clears up any confusion.