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Readers Continue to Comment on the Flagrant Abuse of Power of the Previous Administration in Ridgewood

Ridgewood 3 amigos

So first Roberta and Paul use public funds illegally to influence their stupid parking garage vote. Then we find out that Roberta, under the reign of Paul, has signed a contract that is in direct conflict with the resolution, costing us (according to the CFO last week) upwards of $200,000. Wow, Roberta, you were aces. Thank you so much for the breath of fresh air that you left on our fair town.

Active “vote yes” promotion of the parking garage by elected office holders and village employees was always wrong, wrong, wrong, and NOBODY should be criticized for complaining. Whether they live in Ridgewood or not. This was a thumb in the eye of village residents and a flagrant abuse of the reins of government. The fact that we have neighbors willing go on record with complaints against such behavior is a blessing we don’t always deserve.