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The Ridgewood blog whole heartily endorses Mayor Susan Knudsen and James Van Goor for election to the Village Council!

Vote Ridgewood NJ

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, the Village of Ridgewood once again faces a clear and present danger of being overrun by massive over development  and turned into Hackensack 2.0 . With great urgency the Ridgewood blog whole heartily endorses Mayor Susan Knudsen and James Van Goor for election to the Village Council.

Continue reading The Ridgewood blog whole heartily endorses Mayor Susan Knudsen and James Van Goor for election to the Village Council!

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The Coalition for Downtown Ridgewood Businesses Endorses Mayor Susan Knudsen and former Fire Chief James Van Goor

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to Gary Kolesaire is the President of Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce,” When people who have their skin in the game are speaking out about the risk of a regular implementation of the pedestrian mall, we should listen to them.”

Continue reading The Coalition for Downtown Ridgewood Businesses Endorses Mayor Susan Knudsen and former Fire Chief James Van Goor